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Tommy felt all eyes on him for the second time that day. Why were they all so worried about him? He was fine... right?

"I really don't see why-!"

"Tommy." Phil interrupted, "talking about what happened is the first step to moving on from it."

Tommy scoffed, "Then why doesn't someone else talk about their shit. I'm not the only one with a fucked up past!"

"You've been though a bit more than everyone else, Theseus." Techno sighed.

"Don't call me that." Tommy turned away from his brother-figure.

"How 'bout we take turns?" Tubbo suggested, "After Tommy, someone else talks about what happened to them, and so on."

Wilbur smiled, "that's brilliant. You know, you'd make a pretty good president, Tubbo."

Tubbo looked at the table in silence. Ranboo's tail wrapped protectively around his husband's shoulders.

Phil cleared his throat, "Alright, Tommy, what happened in the prison?"

"Dream killed me." Tommy said, his voice much more steady than anyone was expecting, "I told him the revive book wasn't real. He told me to go ask Schlatt for myself. The last thing I remember before dying was hitting my head on the obsidian. And Dream's laughter."

"Tommy..." Wilbur reached for his brother.

"Three months!" Tommy yelled, "I was dead for three fucking months! I was stuck with Mexican Dream, and Glatt, and Wilbur! And it was dark. So fucking dark. And then I heard Dream calling for me. I woke up back in the prison. Dream said I was dead for two days. He wanted me to write down everything. I was so scared... Then Sam came. He got me out. And that's it."

Wilbur pulled his brother into a hug, "I swear I'll never let that happen to you again. I promise Toms. I promise."

Tommy tucked his head into Wilbur's coat, hiding the tears that fell down his face. He wanted to believe that. He wanted to be okay again.

"Alright, I think it's someone else's turn." Phil said, "Tubbo?"

"Huh?" The goat like boy jumped.

Phil gave him a small smile, "got anything on your mind?"

Tubbo have a short laugh, "like what? Like how I've fought in multiple wars? Or how I've seen my home get blown up three times? Or how I've already died twice? Once while being publicly executed? Or how about the fact that apparently I sent my best friend away!? Or how I hunted down Technoblade!? Or how Big Q wanted to execute Ranboo the same way he executed me!? Or-or! How I was forced into being the fucking president!? I just wanted to be a kid and live peacefully with my best friend. I never asked for any of this."

"Tubbo..." Ranboo whispered, reaching out to hug his husband.

Tubbo leaned his head on Ranboo's shoulder.

"Are you okay mate?" Phil asked.

"Phil, was that really necessary to ask?" Techno sighed.

"Oh yeah? What about you?" Phil crossed his arms, "what's on your mind?"

Techno shrugged, "I mean, I was only brought here to fight a war, I got betrayed a few times, betrayed a few people. Got hunted down once or twice. Blew up a country. Retired to the Arctic."

Wilbur laughed, "well I built a nation, only for it to be blown up by a traitor. I won an election, only for a team to overthrow the vote. I was exiled from my own country and I don't remember anything else!"

"I can tell you that I killed you." Phil chuckled as he held his head, "you begged me to kill you and I did! And the explosions you set off burned my wings and I can't fly anymore! And I helped Techno and Dream blow up L'manburg on Doomsday!"

"And I don't remember half of what people tell me." Ranboo smiled, trying to hold back his laugher, "I built a panic room out of obsidian and I heard Dream's voice in my head, and I go into this state called the Enderwalk where I don't remember anything , and I might have blown up the community house, and the prison, and visited Dream in the Enderwalk, and for some reason Dreams smiley face will send me into the Enderwalk! Not to mention that Dream stole my fourth memory book once! And I've been doing these experiments and I found out that water also sends me into the Enderwalk!"

Ranboo was full on laughing at this point, joining the chorus of voices drowning out their pain. His tears burned his skin. Techno was holding his stomach on his knees. Phil's wings were spread in the cramped space. Wilbur was tugging on the white strand in his hair. Tommy's head was on the table. And Tubbo was clinging to Ranboo's sleeve.

"We're so fucked up!" Tommy laughed, raising his head slightly.

"Oh my god, I haven't laughed that hard in so long." Techno breathed out between laughs.

"We all need therapy." Tommy wiped the tears from his eyes.

Tubbo breathed slowly as he sat up, "I think we'd be too much for Puffy."

"We'd probably give her trauma." Ranboo sighed with a smile.

"I think we'll be okay." Phil said as he calmed down, his feathers smoothing out.

Wilbur nodded, "it's kind of like a new start, isn't it."

Techno chuckled, "you could certainly look at it that way."

"So what now?" Tubbo asked, leaning forward on the table.

"Huh?" Tommy turned to his friend.

"What do we do from here?" Tubbo asked, "do we just go back to our normal lives? I mean, Ranboo and I have Michael, and Snowchester."

"Michael?" Techno asked.

Tubbo nodded, "yeah, he's our son."

Ranboo gently grabbed Tubbos hand, "we're married..."

"Oh," Techno shrugged, "uh, congrats, I guess?"

"Thanks..." Ranboo rubbed the back of his neck.

"Would you like to meet him?" Tubbo asked, "he's a piglin like you."

Techno smiled softly, "sure."

"Technosoft." Phil whispered quickly.

"Shut up." Techno closed his eyes in annoyance.

"Awe, it's just like when we were little." Wilbur taunted, "Little Techie, always so careful with his little brothers."

"I am not related to you two!" Techno snapped, but there was no real bite behind it.

Phil laughed, "that's enough kids."

"Yes Dad." Techno crossed his arms.

"Okay Dad." Wilbur smirked at the same time.

Tommy smiled to himself. This was nice. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all.

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