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Quackity woke up with someone curled up around him. He panicked for a moment, his old memories fresh in his mind.

"Quackity?" He heard Karl whisper from behind him, "are you awake?"

Quackity groaned and burning his head in the pillow, "head hurts..."

He could feel Karl wince at the sound of his voice. Quackity would have too if he wasn't so drained.

"What happened?" Karl asked, pulling his fiance a little closer.

"Memories." Quackity whispered, "they hurt."

"About Schlatt?" Karl sighed, "the memories you lost..."

Quackity nodded, "Sapnap..?"

"He's finding food. Try now to talk so much, okay?" Karl said, "you pretty much destroyed your voice."

Quackity nodded again. Slowly, he turned around to face Karl.

"Hey." Karl smiled.

Quackity smiled back, "hi..."

"No talking." Karl chuckled, resting his head on Quackity's.

Quackity hummed. He was safe here. With Karl and Sapnap. Schlatt couldn't hurt him anymore. But he had to get back to Las Nevadas. That was his home. He built it. He had to get back.

But Karl's arms around him, holding him close, shielding him from everything... He never wanted to leave.

What if he could stay? Just leave everyone else and everything and just stay with Karl and Sapnap? It would be like old times.

Quackity heard the door open and someone walk in.

"Is he awake?" Sapnap asked.

"Yeah." Karl responded, "he's not allowed to talk though."

Sapnap smiled and came into Quackity's view, "hey, you feeling okay?"

Quackity shrugged, giving his fiance a weak smile. Sapnap and Karl helped him sit up, Karl then walking off to make some tea. Sapnap hugged Quackity, holding him close.

"What happened?" Sapnap asked quietly.

"I remembered." Quackity winced, his throat burning with each word.

"Oh." Sapnap said, pulling him tighter.

Karl came back with a steaming cup in hand. He gave it over to Quackity, who took a small sip as Karl crawled on the bed next to him. For once, it was peaceful.

"I fucked up, didn't I?" Quackity whispered.

"I think we all did." Karl sighed, resting his head on Quackity's shoulder.

There was a small silence before Sapnap spoke up, "Can we just... Start over?"

Quackity looked up at him, confusion in his eyes.

"What do you mean?" Karl asked.

"Us." Sapnap shrugged, "why don't we just completely restart. Forget everything that happened before and have a new start!"

"What are you saying?" Quackity asked.

Sapnap smiled widely, "Let's get married!"

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