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Dream looked around the mushroom kingdom curiously. Apparently this is what Sapnap and George had been up to while he was dealing with Tommy.

"What do you think of Kinoko?" Sapnap asked with a smile.

Dream nodded, "it's nice. So you and George built all of this?"

"Karl was the one who started it off." George said.

"Karl? I didn't know Karl was here?" Dream said, looking between his two friends.

"Karl joined a while ago. Like,a really long time ago." Sapnap said.

Dream shook his head slowly, "No, I'm pretty sure the last person I invited was Eret."

"Dream, are you feeling okay?" George asked, taking a step towards the masked man.

"Are you two okay!?" Dream yelled, "this entire time you've been acting like I'm going to randomly snap and kill you!"

"Well, it wouldn't be the first time you've killed someone out of nowhere..." Sapnap admitted.

"What are you talking about!?" Dream huffed in frustration.

"Dream, I told you earlier, "George started, "You took Tommy's last life in the prison."

"What prison!?" Dream shouted, "And Tommy still has all of his lives!"

George and Sapnap glanced at each other.

"Dude, what's the last thing you remember?" Sapnap asked.

"I don't know!" Dream sighed, rubbing under his mask, "um, Tommy, Tubbo, and I were fighting over the discs in front of Punz's house? And then Tommy got an enderchest and put the disks in there."

George and Sapnap were at a loss for words. That happened before L'manburg's founding. The two didn't know how to react to what their friend had just told them.

"What?" Dream asked, "why do you two look like that?"

"Dude, I think your memory is fucked." Sapnap said, his eyes wide.

Dream scoffed, "what? I missed a couple days?"

"More like a couple years..." George said.

"More than a couple! Dude you forgot so much!" Sapnap shouted.

"Like what?" Dream crossed his arms.

"The L'manburg war, when you and I killed Tommy and Tubbo, when you killed Tommy in a duel, the railway skirmish, the pet war, the L'manburg election, Schlatt's presidency, the Dreamon hunt, the festival where Technoblade killed Tubbo, the second pet war, Pogtopia vs Manburg when Schlatt died of a heart attack and Wilbur died blowing up L'manburg, you throned then dethroned George, you convinced Tubbo to exile Tommy and visited him in exile, the Egg, Technoblade's execution, Techno killing Quackity, Doomsday!?" Sapnap gasped before continuing, "then you got locked in prison, Tommy made a hotel, Tommy visited you in prison, you killed Tommy in prison, then resurrected him, then the Red Banquet happened! Then Tommy tried to break into the prison with Ghostbur and you killed Ghostbur and resurrected Wilbur!"

Sapnap took a moment to breathe, "and that's not even half of it!"

"How did you remember all of that?" George asked.

Sapnap looked George dead in the eyes, "Plot convenience."

"It doesn't matter how he remembered it," Dream interrupted, "Why don't I remember any of it?"

George shrugged, "I don't know. But we should probably find and tell Sam the situation so he's not hunting you down or anything."

Dream's eyes went wide behind his mask, "Why would Sam be hunting me down!?"


Dream stared up at the giant black building. So this was the prison...

"This would be a lot cooler if I didn't know I was supposed to be locked up in there." Dream said.

"Oh my god Dream." George laughed.

"I'm serious!" Dream smiled, "this is really impressive!"

"Let's just find Sam." Sapnap said, chuckling.

The trio walked into the smaller building on the shoreline. The portal to enter the prison had been broken, and crying obsidian had started taking over a few spots. The quartz that had made a stark contrast against the blackstone was now dulled with grime and age.

A sword was held to Dreams neck from behind.

"Why did you come here?" Sam asked as Dream raised his hands in surrender.

"Sam wait-!" Sapnap tried to jump in, but was interrupted by the creeper-man.

"Stop trying to defend him!" Sam yelled, "you both know what he did! He killed Tommy! A child! Do you want to know how?!"

No one said anything for a moment.

"Why don't you tell them Dream." Sam almost growled.

"I-I-I don't remember!" Dream gasped.

"What?" Sam pulled the sword away slightly.

"That's what I was trying to tell you." Sapnap sighed, "he's lost almost all of his memory."

"What's the last thing you remember?" Sam asked, releasing Dream.

Dream rubbed his neck lightly, "um, Tommy, Tubbo, and I were fighting over Tommy's disks on Punz's lawn. And then Tommy got an enderchest to put the disks in. That's the last thing I remember..."

"You... You really don't remember anything else?" Sam lowered his sword.

Dream shook his head.

"Okay..." Sam said slowly, "so what do we do now?"

Dream shrugged, "a tour of what I missed would be nice?"

George rolled his eyes, "you're as annoying as always."

"Oh come on," Dream smiled, "you know you love me."

"No." George turned away, his cheeks pink.

"Just say it!" Dream laughed.

"Oh my god Dream shut up!" George couldn't help but laugh along.

"Come on George!" Dream reached out to hug the other.

"No! Go away!" George smiled as he tried to avoid the masked man.

"Oh my god! Will you two stop flirting!" Sapnap groaned.

Sam sighed, already walking away, "let's start at L'manburg."

Time (Dream smp)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin