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Puffy worried the sleeve of her jacket between her fingers as the four of them walked down towards the prison. Skeppy and Bad followed behind her as Sam lead the way. It had been so long since she had seen her son, after he got locked in prison. And the last time she saw Foolish... He was killed.

"There they are." Sam said, pointing to where a group stood by the prison.

Bad squinted at them, "Where's Sapnap? And who's the green guy?"

"Dream..." Puffy gasped softly, then ran down to them, "Dream! Foolish!"

The two looked up with wide eyes.

"Puffy!" Foolish yelled, almost jumping into his father's arms.

"My son!" Puffy cried, "oh my god, are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm okay." Foolish smiled.

Puffy looked behind Foolish to Dream, who was standing awkwardly a few feet away.

"Dream..?" Puffy asked, taking a step towards him.

Dream jumped slightly, giving her a small wave, "um, hello! Do I... Know you?"

Puffy seemed to deflate a little, "I... I'm your mother..."

Dreams eyes went wide under his mask, "oh! I'm sorry! I don't really remember anyone, or anything..."

"It's okay." Puffy laughed lightly, "you're still my son, memories or not."

Dream relaxed slightly, "could I, um, have a hug... then?"

"Of course." Puffy smiled, pulling Dream down into her arms.

Foolish smiled at the two. Charlie slid up next to him.

"So who is she?" Charlie asked.

Foolish laughed lightly, "that's Puffy, she's my father and Dream's mother."

"Oh, okay." Charlie nodded, "who are those people?"

The slime pointed to where Bad, Skeppy, and Sam stood.

"Oh, uh..." Foolish glanced away as Bad waved at him, "They're... Friends. Well, most of them."

"More friends!?" Charlie gasped and waved to the group, "Hello new friends!"

"I really don't think that's a good idea-!" Foolish rushed out.

"Hello Foolish!" Bad smiled, walking down the the totem god.

"Oh, hi Bad!" Foolish grimaced, glancing at Skeppy who was standing behind Bad.

Skeppy sighed, "He doesn't remember the Egg."

"Wait, really?" Foolish asked.

Bad nodded, "I'm sorry if anything happened... I really don't remember..."

"You don't remember finding the Egg?" Charlie looked up wide eyed at the demon, "and the Diamond guy being corrupted, and the party you threw when one of your friends killed Foolish Gamers, or when you killed-!"

"That's enough!" Skeppy yelled and covered Charlie's mouth, almost gagging when his hand sunk into slime.

"Um..?" Bad looked at Skeppy.

"Don't worry about it!" Skeppy laughed, "it's nothing! Trust me!"

Bad sighed softly, "I trust you Skeppy."

Sam frowned. He had a feeling Skeppy wasn't telling the whole story. And this slime guy seemed suspicious. George walked up to the creeper-like man.

"Are you good?" George asked.

"Hm?" Sam looked a his friend, "oh, yeah. Just thinking."

"About what? Ponk?" George smirked.

Sam furrowed his brow, "who's Ponk?"

Everyone turned to Sam, each with a different level of shock and confusion on their faces.

"Sam... Do you not remember Ponk?" Bad asked.

"I... No, I don't." Sam shook his head, "were they important to me or something?"

No one said anything for a while.

"He was..." Foolish started, "He was your valentine, but some stuff happened and..."

"Oh..." Sam looked at the ground.

Puffy smiled and placed a hand on Sam's shoulder, "It's okay, maybe you'll find him again!"

Sam laughed lightly, looking away, "yeah..."

"Wait, has anyone seen Ponk since we woke up?" Foolish asked.

Everyone shook their heads. Sam felt guilty, despite not remembering his... friend? What were they anyway? If something happened between them, then what did that mean for their relationship?

"Where do you think he could be?" Sam asked.

Foolish looked around at the group, "I don't know for sure, but my best guess would be Lemon City."

Dream laughed, "what? Did he make a city around his lemon tree?"

"Uh, yeah?" George shrugged, "after the first two or three burned down."

"Woah." Dream dropped his arms to his side.

"In any case, we should go find him." Puffy said, "who knows if he has memory loss as well."

"Right!" Bad nodded, "where is Lemon City?"

Bad looked to Skeppy, who shrugged and looked at Foolish.

The half totem sighed, "alright, I think it's this way."

And with that, the totem shark, a human diamond, a demon, a slime, a creeper, a half sheep, and two men walked off into the night.

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