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Fundy stood in front of the ruins of his house. He had hoped that blowing it up would end his nightmares, but this whole thing seemed like one of his dreams.

The fox's ears dropped as he sighed. He was lost. Fundy thought maybe he could do something for once. Change something.

Fundy fell to his knees, tears running freely down his face. He just wanted to be a kid, and grow up with his father and mother, and not have to worry about his county getting taken over and blown up over and over again! He just wanted to be accepted.


The fox quickly looked up to see Wilbur standing a few feet away.

"Wilbur!?" Fundy fell back in shock.

"Fundy!" Wilbur smiled, running up and hugging his son, "there's my little pogchamp!"

"Dad!?" Fundy struggled a little in Wilbur's hold.

"Sorry, sorry!" Wilbur laughed, releasing his son, "I know you hate being coddled like that."

"You... You really are alive..." Fundy said quietly, staring at his dad.

Wilbur let out a small laugh, "why wouldn't I be alive?"

"Grandad killed you!" Fundy yelled, "you begged him to kill you after you blew up L'manburg!"

"Fundy, Phil hasn't been to L'manburg yet." Wilbur said, "I was going to invite him over after I won the election, but uh, that didn't exactly work out that well... But once we take L'manburg back your Grandad will visit all the time!"

Fundy didn't know what to say. What was Wilbur talking about? L'manburg was long gone, and the election was years ago.

"Dad... I-I know you've been in limbo for like, thirteen years but..." Fundy sighed, "you can't just pretend things didn't happen. L'manburg is gone."

Wilbur shook his head, laughing, "that's exactly what Tommy and Tubbo said."

"That's because that's what happened." Fundy said, standing up, "Come on, I'll show you L'manhole."

Wilbur couldn't say anything as Fundy took his sleeve and started heading towards L'manburg. Fundy had grown up so much, he wondered how he missed it. Perhaps he just wanted another chance to be a good father.

Fundy stopped in the middle of the tunnel that lead to L'manburg, "I just want you to know, this isn't the L'manburg you remember..."

"Fundy..." Wilbur sighed, then smiled, "as long as everyone in L'manburg is still here, it's the L'manburg I remember."

Fundy nodded, letting Wilbur walk out and see the damage that had occured there.

Wilbur honestly didn't believe what he was seeing. Where L'manburg once stood proud, was now a deep lake to bedrock. There were no reminisce of buildings. Obsidian layed around the edge of the lake, almost mimicking L'manburg's walls.

"What..." Wilbur fell to his knees, "My L'manburg..."

Fundy came up next to his father, his ears low, "it's been a crater since Doomsday. Although the lake is new."

"But... Yesterday was the festival... Tubbo just got executed..." Wilbur said, "h-how? The button didn't work..."

"It did." Fundy sighed, "After Schlatt had a heart attack, you appointed Tubbo as president and blew up L'manburg. Then Phil killed you. Tubbo rebuilt the country, but it was all destroyed by Dream dropping stacks of TNT down on it. And now it's like this."

Wilbur could only stare. Everything he built up was gone. All the memories he made with Tommy, and Tubbo, and Fundy.

Wilbur laughed.

He laughed and laughed, getting to his feet. Fundy stumbled back at the mood shift.

"You know Fundy." Wilbur's shoulders shook as he gripped his arms, "I wanted to be the one to blow up L'manburg. If I can't have L'manburg, no one can!"

Fundy felt fear creep up through his fur as he recognized the crazed look in his father's eyes.

"But I didn't expect it to hurt this much." Wilbur looked up at Fundy, tears rapidly falling down his face.

Fundy was at a loss for words. How could he comfort his father who he barely knew?

"Wilbur!" Tommy yelled, running up with Ranboo and Tubbo behind him, "Wilbur?"

Wilbur turned to Tommy, "You were right Tommy. It's all gone."

"Wilbur..." Tubbo reached out to him.

"No no!" Wilbur laughed, spreading his arms wide, "this is perfect! I was going to blow up the country anyway! My job is done!"

Tommy took a step back, "You can't actually mean that?"

"But I do!" Wilbur turned to face L'manburg, "look at it! It's beautiful!"

"It's destroyed!" Tommy yelled, "everything we worked for is gone!"

"I know!" Wilbur smiled wide, "that's the beauty of it! Everything is just as it started!"

"I don't remember the start having a big hole on the ground." Tubbo said.

"No, no!" Wilbur laughed, "it's back to nothing!"

"Nothing?" Ranboo asked.

"Nothing!" Wilbur echoed, "it's back to nothing!"

"What are you talking about?" Tommy asked, looking to Fundy, who just shrugged.

"I built L'manburg to stick it to the man!" Wilbur yelled, "but there's no man here, so L'manburg means nothing now! It was all useless!"

"So we were all useless?" Fundy said quietly, "Me, Tommy, Tubbo? And I know Eret was a traitor but even them? Are we all useless to you?"

Wilbur smiled slowly, barely hiding the sharp pain he felt.

"Of course, my son."

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