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Tommy woke up on something soft, albeit dusty. He sat up to find himself in the master bedroom of Tubbo and Ranboo's mansion. There was no one else in the room, and it was empty save for a chest and a sign. Tommy stood up from the bed and walked over to the chest.

"Here's some armour and food... From Ranboo!" Tommy scoffed, but once he saw what was inside, he silently thanked the tall enderman hybrid.

Ranboo had left a full set of diamond armor and tools, as well as quite a bit of food. Tommy smiled softly. As much as he pretend to hate the half enderman, Ranboo wasn't that bad.

The door opened and Ranboo walked in, "Oh, you-you're awake."

Tommy crossed his arms, "yeah, I'm awake. Why am I in your mansion?"

"Um, we all kinda woke up in the middle of nowhere and Tubbo and I went to look for Michael and you hadn't woken up yet so..." Ranboo shrugged, "we just carried you here?"

Tommy raised an eyebrow, "you and Tubbo carried me here to see Micheal?"

"A-a-and Wilbur..." Ranboo rubbed the back of his head.

"Wilbur's here!?" Tommy yelled.

"Uh, yeah, he's, he's just downstairs." Ranboo said, "do you... Do you want to talk to him?"

Tommy hesitated for a moment. Did he want to see Wilbur? The one who blew up L'manburg? The Wilbur who said he didn't care about his own country? His brother?


Wilbur stood in the doorway.

"Tommy! You're awake!" Wilbur smiled, moving to hug Tommy.

Tommy flinched back, "yeah, I'm awake Wilbur."

Wilbur paused, "are you alright Tommy?"

"Am I alright?" Tommy laughed, "Am I alr-! Of course I'm alright! Why wouldn't I be alright!? It couldn't be because you blew up L'manburg and died! Or when Dream made L'manburg into a crater! Or when I was exiled by Tubbo and manipulated by Dream! Or when Dream killed me in prison! Or when Dream killed Ghostbur right in front of me and you got brought back from the dead! But why wouldn't I be alright!?"

"Tommy wha..." Wilbur shook his head, "did you have a bad dream or something?"

"I had a Dream about something, I'll tell you what." Tommy scoffed.

Wilbur sighed, "let's just go back to Pogtopia, Tommy."

"The abandoned ravine?" Ranboo asked, "I thought no one had been there for, well, before I came here."

"What?" Wilbur laughed lightly, "no no no! Pogtopia is the heart of the rebellion against Manburg! It's me Tommy, Techno, Niki, and Tubbo. Schlatt just found out Tubbo was the spy... Tommy, you and Techno just fought... It... It was just yesterday..."

Tommy sighed, "Wilbur... That was a very long time ago..."

"No, it can't be!" Wilbur took a step back, "Schlatt is still the president! We-we need to take him down!"

"Schlatt's dead." Tubbo came up from behind, holding Michael in his arms, "and so is L'manburg. Everything's gone."

"No..." Wilbur shook his head, "no no, you-you're all just messing with me! That's it, isn't it? It's just a joke!?"

"Wil..." Tommy reached out to his brother.

"No... L'manburg hasn't been blown up..." Wilbur said, backing up, "it's still there, the Whitehouse, the podium, the L'mantree!"

"Wilbur, there is no L'manburg anymore." Tommy told him.

"No, it's still there! It has to be there!" Wilbur yelled, running out of the mansion.

"Wilbur!" Tommy called after him.

Tommy sighed as Wilbur ignored him.

"Should we let him be?" Tubbo asked after a moment.

"Maybe?" Ranboo shrugged, "if he sees it, he might accept it better?"

"No, we have to go after him." Tommy said, putting on the armor, "if he really doesn't remember what happened, then he could get himself in some serious trouble."

"Then lets go." Ranboo nodded, also donning diamond armor.

"Hold on, let me put Michael in his room." Tubbo said, quickly walking away.

"Okay. Meet us at the entrance." Tommy nodded.

Tubbo gave a quick nod as Tommy and Ranboo made their way down to the main hall of the mansion. There was a tense silence between the two.

"So..." Ranboo started, "Wilbur said that you and him are brothers."

Tommy shrugged, "yeah. Philza is our dad."

Ranboo nodded, "I know, but I... Kinda had a question?"

"Okay, what question?" Tommy asked.

Ranboo sighed, "so, you and Wilbur are Phil's biological sons, and Phil has wings, so why don't you and Wilbur have wings too?"

Tommy didn't say anything, turning away from the enderman hybrid.

"Tommy? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry." Ranboo said, unsure of what to do to console the other

"It's fine Ranboo." Tommy in a quiet voice, "it's just not something we like to remember."

"We?" Ranboo asked.

"Wilbur and I." Tommy explained, "We used to have wings, just like Phil. But when Eret blew up L'manburg and the Camaravan, Wilbur lost his wings trying to protect me and Tubbo."

"Oh." Ranboo whispered, "I'm, I'm sorry."

Tommy shrugged, "my wings we're badly injured in the explosions and from then on I couldn't really fly all that well. Then during exile with Dream-"

Tommy shivered slightly.

"Hey, it's okay, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." Ranboo said.

"No, no, it's okay." Tommy shook his head, "I've only ever talked about it to Ghostbur. But during exile with Dream... He cut off my wings."

"Oh Tommy," Ranboo finally pulled his friend into a hug, "I-I'm so, so, sorry."

"It's fine." Tommy said, his voice cracking, "I'm fine..."

Ranboo could feel the burn of tears soaking through his shirt. He held Tommy a moment longer before they heard Tubbo coming down the stairs. Tommy quickly pulled away and dried his face.

"Alright, I'm here, I'm ready." Tubbo said, standing in front of the two with full diamond armor.

"Alright, let's go find Wilbur." Tommy said, leading the way out of the giant building.

Tommy just hoped they could find Wilbur before anything bad happened.

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