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Dream stared up at the sky, his head resting next to George's as they cloud gazed.

"Shouldn't we be doing something?" George asked, not turning his head.

Dream chuckled, "like what?"

George shrugged, "preparing? Getting resources? Rebuilding?"

"Why would we need to do that?" Dream laughed, "what would we need to prepare for?"

"War." George frowned, remembering everything the server has been through.

His friends, L'manburg, the prison. Tommy burning down his house and getting thrown in exile. Doomsday. Dream killing Tommy and reviving him and Wilbur...

Dream laughed, curling in on himself, "I know Tommy's disks are annoying, but I'd hardly call it a war! Let alone one to prepare for!"

"That's not what I meant." George sat up, hugging his knees.

Dream sat up as well, looking at his friend. What happened to make everyone so paranoid?

Dream sighed, leaning against George's back, "can we see the prison?"

"What? Like inside of it?" George asked.

"Yeah!" Dream smiled, "it's gotta be some awesome stuff if I wasn't able to get out!"

George chuckled, "okay, okay. Sam should be there already. He's the only one who can get us in."

"Then lets go!" Dream stood up, holding a hand out to George.

George smiled lightly, taking Dream's hand and letting himself get pulled to his feet. Dream smiled at him. Together, they started towards the prison.

The Blackstone building stood bleak against the sky. A reminder of times past. Maybe they should tear it down now...

George was broken out of his thoughts by none other than Ponk.

"Hello!" The man waved, "are you looking for Sam? He's just inside!"

Dream smiled, "Thanks Ponk."

"No problem!" Ponk grinned back.

"Were you here to see the prison too?" George asked.

Ponk shook his head, "I just got the tour. I'm heading back to my lemon tree now."

Dream chuckled, "is it cool?"

"My tree?" Ponk gave dream a strange look.

"The prison." Dream laughed.

"Oh!" Ponk lit up, "it's a redstone masterpiece!"

"That's awesome!" Dream smiled brightly, "come on George, let's go!"

"Okay!" George laughed as Dream dragged him off, "bye Ponk!"

"Bye!" Ponk waved as he walked away.

Dream laughed giddily as they approached the entrance, "so how do we get in!?"

"We have to call Sam first." George chuckled, going over to a button and pressing it.

A few moments later, Sam's voice came through.

"Who's there?"

"It's me and Dream." George said, "Dream wants to see the inside of the prison."

There was a sigh and a pause, "I suppose that wouldn't hurt. You can go through the portal now."

George nodded to Dream, both of them stepping through as they were transported to a new room.

A few seconds later, "okay, you can go through again."

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