Illegal betting... wait, I've heard that name before, Jake Kim.
Who was that?

Ohh, I've met someone with that name at the store!
Jiho said he was his friend from the... ohhh😲 right!
He is the one!

"Aunt Katherine, I think I know who that is"

"How so?"

I explained to her what happened that day, with Jiho, the gambling, Kouji and how we got the money.

"But don't get Jiho into trouble aunt Katherine, he is a victim"

"Alright, but why didn't you tell me this sooner?
$300,000! A 'kid' made that money and got away with it?
Is he a genius or what?"

"Trust me, he really is..."

"But that's not the issue now, is it?

That money is from an illegal source; he can't just take it away like that.

But it's not like we know anything about him other than his name and that he is a kid☹️.
Further investigation may put your friend in danger so maybe not, the real culprits have already been punished anyway so...

More importantly, we now know that the victims of the betting scam were mainly teenagers.
Money from teenagers huh? Just who is so obsessed with collecting money from teenagers🤨"


'Could this be related to that? Well, only one way to find out...'

"Jiho, I need to check something urgently. Go ahead without me, okay?"

I followed them as they took paths I was unfamiliar with.

I did my best in memorising the route – don't wanna get lost – but then again there's Foogle maps in case I did.

They kept walking until they reached a street far away. Not the brightest area, and it didn't look like anyone else was there.

I hid behind a huge waste container.

'Alright, think!
I will need to tell aunt Katherine about this later and I must have proof.
I should record this.' I took out my phone.

Less than 7% of storage space left. Cleaning up 379 Mb is recommended.

'Ahh, why now! Must be all those screenshots. Damn!'

I neither had enough storage space to take a video nor enough time clear up some storage.

So I had to settle for an audio recording instead.
Better something than nothing.

I turned on the voice recorder, made sure I was hiding properly and took a peek out to see what was going on.

"Sorry we're late sir. We were a few bucks short..."

I leaned in to see who they were talking to.
It was dark, and I could see the silhouette of a tall, lean male receiving the sum.

"This is the last time I will be letting you go after being so late.
Do you think I only have time for you guys?
Late again, and you'll see why your seniors are afraid of me!"

With these words, the speaker walked forward, and I watched as his silhouette got clearer.

A 'not-unfamiliar' figure came to view.

(As you all have already figured,) 'Goo!'

"Of course sir, this won't happen again"

A shiver ran down my spine; a sudden fear of what would happen if he found me.
Was it because I knew what he was capable of?

I have seen him fight before and I could imagine how it would feel like if I was among the many people he sent flying in the air.

'But hey, you were the one who followed them because you wanted to see what was going on.
No point in getting scared now...' A voice from inside my head told me.

The best course of action of course was to stay still and wait for them to leave.

I watched as Goo counted the money a few times and then went away.

In a bit, the rest of them were out too.
I waited another minute and ensured they were gone before coming out of the hiding.


I'd love to hear some feedback...
If it's not too much trouble for you that is...😅

Thanks again for reading:)

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