15. Agency, fight and a sense of accomplishment

Beginne am Anfang

Gun and Goo.

Now that i think again, Gun wasn't really 'unexpected', he was Crystal's bodyguard from that time at the festival. Goo being someone he knows, might as well be associated with her.

But, are these two really gonna be facing these many people on their own?




...I take that back. I take it all back.

In an instant they took them all down.

Some of them stood back up and charged at us.

Daniel and Euntae took care of them.

I was observing anxiously when someone came running in my direction.

"You bitch! What you gawking at?", and I saw his fist approaching my face when suddenly, the words "how to get hit without getting hurt" flashed in my mind.

I'm scared, I really am, having a fist inches away from my face. But if I'm gonna get hit anyway, might as well try it.

I forced my head forward. I wasn't brave enough to keep my eyes open though.

Seeing something on Newtube is completely different from doing it in real life. There are a lot of things there that don't actually work.

But not this.

Did I get hit? Yes.
Did his fist touch my head? Yes.
But did it hurt? Not really...

"What the hell? You trying to get hit now?" And he hit me again but it didn't hurt.

'Let's try it next then. I don't know if I can pull it off, but let's at least try...
Calf kick!'

I put my weight on one foot, relaxed my other foot, and swung the relaxed foot in his direction. As the shin landed on his calf, I looked up to see if I had gotten it right.

"Fuck that hurts!", he bent down and reached for his calf.

'Once again'
I kicked him again.

'Next, overhand...

It landed on a guy who stood immediately behind him, and he fell down, wincing from the pain.

Gotta say, that was the first time I properly punched anyone at all, and I felt so satisfied because it actually worked.


A series of dramatic events followed soon after.
Long story short, the photoshoot was stopped and everyone was safe.

Euntae seemed to know Goo, and I heard him tell Euntae to double the workout he did in order to get stronger.

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

"You're that girl from before, aren't you? The victim to my coffee?" Goo said, noticing me.

"Yes... I am"

"Didn't know you could fight. I saw you landing a kick or two.

Where did you learn to do that from?"

"Just... somewhere off the internet..."

"Why'd you stop there then? You could proceed to learn other things than just a calf kick... dunno why I'm telling you this but seeing a girl fight isn't so common a sight.
You have scope..."

'Woah he said I have scope'


'He is right. I could try learning other simple things, at least for self defence. I didn't talk to mom and dad about enrolling me for some martial art yet. But I think I should just tell them that later sometime.
Let's continue like this for now...'

Daniel quit the agency.

Duke got promoted to class B.

And starting that week, Dan, Euntae and I began to do 200 pushups, 200 situps, 200 squats and a 20 km run everyday.😐

I realise I'm so totally not good at describing fight scenes😅
A few chapters back I felt I was going too slow but now I think I'm going fast through the chapters.
And, we're at episode 109 according to the webtoon storyline...

Thanks for reading:)

Iridiscence (Lookism fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt