17. YouTube Video (Extra)

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Ok, so the "video" will be written in Q&A form. I hope you all don't mind :)

The majority of your Twitter mentions were asking you to make a YouTube Q&A video about your giving birth experience and after speaking to Harry, you both decided you would do it. You had done your hair and makeup and gotten ready and were now currently setting your camera up. 

You had Emilia sleeping the detachable part of the basinet on the bed so if she needed anything throughout the video you could reach her ok. 

"Babe? Are you ready?" Harry came out of the bathroom pulling on his black shirt and nodded coming to set down on the bed with you. You started recording on your camera and settled back into the bed slowly as you were still in pain from the birth only a week ago, and you knew you could edit the footage anyway. "Ok, let's start."

Y/N: Hey guys. So lately all of my twitter interactions have been asking me to make a pregnancy/birth Q&A video with this hunk right here so that is what we're doing today. I tweeted you guys and asked you to ask me some questions and you did but most of them were the same so I took the most requested questions and I have them saved on my phone. So lets get started.

Harry: Can I just say I love that you called me a hunk?

You: You're welcome babe. Number one, who was with you during the birth? Harry was, and then obviously the medical staff but only Harry.

Harry: Yeah, your mum and my mum did come in at one point during labour though, but it was only me for the actual birth.

You: Two, did you have a natural birth or a c-section? I did natural. A c-section was never totally ruled out, I wasn't against it or anything but I would have opted for a c-section if there were any complications.

Number three, did you use any pain relief? No I didn't. I was completely natural.

Harry: At the time I think you hit a point were you were going to ask for the epidural but we worked through it and you done it the way you wanted to.

You: What is her full name? Harry?

Harry: Emilia-Anne Rose Styles, beautiful name for a beautiful girl.

You: How do you know when to push? Well, because I didn't have any pain relief I felt the pressure and the need to push so I told the medical team and they told me to push when I felt the need to but I'm sure with an epidural they tell you when to push because obviously you can't feel anything.

How long were you in labour? Was it 20 hours?

Harry: Yeah, you were in labor most of the day, I think it was in between 19 and 20 hours.

You: Are you breastfeeding? If so, how do you find it? I am breastfeeding and I couldn't stop now. It's such a beautiful thing and honestly it creates an amazing bond between you and your daughter or child and I'm so glad I chose to do that. The only downside is my nipples hurt, and you literally need to smother them in nipple cream.

Would you recommend a natural birth or pain relief? Looking back on it now I'd say a natural birth 110% but at the time I would say pain relief so I think it honestly just depends if you have the pain tolerance to do it completely natural.

Harry: I don't know how she done it if I'm completely honest. It was such an eye opener for me and it really showed me how strong she was. I'm so proud of her. I was going to ask for the epidural with the pain in my hand she was squeezing.

You: Is Harry happy to be a father?

Harry: I'm so excited. I was terrified before she was born, I'm not going to lie but I think just everything had been a big eye opener and I'm so happy I finally have our daughter here with us to cuddle. I'm so happy.

You: How is Harry with her? He's amazing. He's such an amazing father. He caters to her every need except feeding obviously and when she wakes up in the night he's straight out of bed not even giving me a chance to go calm her. He's so loving and caring, he's incredible.

Harry: Thanks babe.

You: You're welcome. Does Emilia look like you or Harry? Harry hands down. She has her little tiny curls and little dimples, she's the double of Harry when he was born. I'll actually insert a couple of pictures here.

Did you have an induced labour? No I didn't I went into labour on my own, I progressed at my own pace.

Harry: On the 17th hour though they were thinking about giving you the pitocin to speed it along because they thought that she wasn't dilating anymore but they gave in another hour and she started to move along again.

You: Did you have an OB/GYN or midwife deliver her? OB/GYN only incase there were any complications I knew there would be someone there to deliver Emilia that could perform c-sections.

How early before your due date did you pack your hospital bags. We actually done it really late.

Harry: Yeah, it's supposed to be done a few months before but I think we did it two weeks before. It's something that, you don't really think about, and you don't want to think about your baby being premature and your wife or girlfriend going into labour that early so I think it was a positive thing for us, but it's completely up to the person I think.

You: What position did you delived Emilia in? So this was complicated for us, we looked at the squatting, kneeling, lying on my side, on my back but we went with the old fashioned on the bed but I didn't actually get on the bed until I felt the need to push. I walked through the hospital I think around 9 times to move my labour along.

Are you open to the idea of water births? Of course!

Harry: We were actually debating a water birth and the birthing plan was if the pain got too much to handle we'd get into the birthing pool.

You: Did you have a birthing plan? If so, did you follow it? Yes we had a birthing plan and yes we did follow it. We were lucky in that there was no complications so we could follow the birthing plan.

Who cut the umbilical cord?

Harry: Daddy did that. I think that was the moment that it all sunk in that I was a daddy and I was responsible for another life. It was amazing.

You: How much pain were you in after the birth? I was and still am, in so much pain. Obviously squeezing a baby out of such a little hole would make you sore so it was to be expected.

And finally, what date and time was Emilia born at and what weight was she? She was born on October 27th at 8:47pm and she was 6lbs 2oz. And that was the final question. 

Just as you were about to end the video Emilia started to whine and coo in the basinet.

You: Somebody wants to say hi.

You moved slowly to lift her out of the basinet and cradled her close to you making sure she was in vie of the camera.

You: This is Emilia and she's officially one week old today. And she needs to be fed so I guess this is where I'm ending the video. Thank-you so much for watching. If you have any other questions, just comment them below and I'll try and answer them. I hope this is the kind of thing that you all wanted and requested. So I hope you enjoyed! Bye!

Baby Series (Harry Styles) // Book 3Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ