Chapter XLVII

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Tooth dismissed them from the party. Jack was still a mess and would rather be embarrassed for a lie than to have his comrades see him crying. Tooth put on her best angry face and said that he felt sickly because of the spiked hot-chocolate. Of course, Bunny launched into a brigade of jokes about Jack being unable to handle his drinks, but nonetheless the two were off the hook. Jack didn't even care.

"Are we going to your place?" He asked half-way through flying, "What could you possibly be showing me at your palace?" He asked. Tooth looked back, but shook her head.

"You'll see!" She cried against the wind.

Tooth was almost too shy when she landed, checking behind her constantly as if she expected Jack to fly away.

"Whose teeth are we looking at now?" He asked, attempting to get an answer from her. She just dropped back by him, tugging his sleeve. She brought him to the stairs, and he knew what was beneath the main area. The teeth of the children that had passed. Tooth was sentimental and liked keeping them all, and had a grand underground system for all the children that grew up and didn't need their memories anymore. Jack had only heard her speak of it.

"Follow me." She said, and hovered downward. Jack summoned his winds and dropped down unsteadily. There were little symbols for each country of each place. He was drawn toward Burgess, of course, as that's where he was born, but that was not where Tooth was headed.

"Tooth, you're scaring me." He said. Tooth gave a lighthearted grin, but he could tell it was pained.

"I suppose one of the best and worst parts of being me is knowing the memories of the children personally." She said with a long sigh. She paused in front of a door. Jack looked up and gave a low whistle. It was the Royalty door. It pushed open with no resistance and Jack was overcome with a sense of belonging. He read the long names of all the past dignitary children and heirs, and wondered in the millions of teeth boxes what he was doing there.

Tooth had fluttered away, and he realized he should probably follow her, but become easily distracted. He was too engrossed in reading names. At the last moment before he was about to revert his attention to the lady who had brought him here, a last name caught his eye. Frost.

These spaces were arranged in family trees of royalty, and he saw with a glance to the very top of the space it was for Norway, and his finger followed the name up the lines that sprawled like spiderwebs. "Cosette Frost, Eland Frost, Randall Frost, Constantine Frost..." He murmured the names, and wondered idly if it was sheer coincidence. Then he shook his head. It had to be. It's not like Frost was an overly original last name.

Still, his fingers trailed the boxes up. He reached a bump in the road where one of the boxes was missing. Connected by marriage to the space one was supposed to go was a picture of a little girl with white hair and deep blue eyes. "Elsa..." he read the glittery name, "Hey Tooth!" He said turning, "I don't mean to worry you, but there's a box missing!"

"I know." She whispered. He jolted and realized she was hovering above her, a box in her hands. She fiddled with it, "I have it."

She floated all the way down to the floor, and Jack, rapt with curiosity, followed. She sighed, "There's magic in your bones. More than the Guardian and the Moon. I suppose I should have realized you wouldn't..." She frowned.

"Tooth, please. You're not speaking in clear sentences." He rolled his eyes, and his attention was grabbed by something shiny on the others side of the room. Tooth grabbed his shoulder, pulling his eyes back toward hers. She was holding out the box to him. He gave her a funny look, but she was silent. Deciding to humor her, he took the box.

"Let's see who this guy is..." His voice dropped off with a dry gulp, "That'"

The face on the box looked exactly as his human portrait on the first tooth box did, but it was the him that he'd been for much longer. It was the him with snowy white hair, electric blue eyes. Even more unnerving was a crown that floated above his head, a clear indicator of royalty. If that wasn't weird enough, his eyes flickered to the name.

'King Jack Frost of Arendelle'.

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