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"Good morning, Historia." You smiled, walking up to the girl to give her a hug.

"(Y/n)! It's been so long!" She smiled as you sat next to her.

She's been living far away on a farm for a while ago, her baby had just been born and you wanted to meet the baby girl.

"So how are you holding up?" You asked as she shook her head.

"I had no idea being a mother would be like this." She sighed with a smile.

"But Y'know what, I feel like someone's helping me take care of my baby. It's not my husband. It's definitely someone else." She sighed as you stared at her.

"It's Ymir, silly!" She smiled as she sat down in her chair.

"Y'know what, I'm sure she's sitting right there listening to us, and congratulating you on your baby" You giggled as you pointed to the empty seat next to her.

"Mmm.. that would be amazing, wouldn't it?" She smiled as you looked beside her, almost seeing an outline next to her.

You didn't say anything, but you knew that outline of that person was ymir.

"She's protecting you. I know it." You smiled as you sat on a nearby chair.

"She's sleeping right now. I'd rather not wake her." Historia giggled as you nodded.

You finally had the chance to unwind and talk to the girl. It felt like forever. The memories you shared from the 104th cadet core to the time she beat her own father, to the time she got crowned as queen.

"It must be nice here... so away from all the commotion." You smiled taking a look around, nothing but fields in sight.

"It's peaceful, huh?" She smiled as you nodded.

"Oh, I never asked, hows it like at home? Did you buy a house yet?" She asked as you covered your lip.

"I plan on buying a house for Annie and I, and surprising her with it." You smiled.

"I had totally forgotten you guys became a thing! Oh my goodness, how's it been?" She asked as you clapped your hands.

"It's amazing. She's so nice, and she'll also beat the shit out of anyone that annoys me. So protective," You giggled.

"That's cute!" Historia smiled as you nodded.

"Did you know she has a soft spot for being the little spoon?" You giggled. "She'd kill me if she knew I told you that." You continued to giggle.

"Hehe! You better plan on marrying her. She clearly makes you happy!" Historia smiled to which you nodded.

"We have our whole lives ahead of us... I've got time." You smiled.

You heard a babies cry as Historia stood up.

"Wait here." She said as she went from the porch to inside the house, coming back out with the baby in her arms.

"Aw, she's adorable!" You smiled as the crying baby looked at you, immediately stopping crying.

"Hello." You smiled at her, her tugging on Historias hair.

Historia rocked the baby back and fourth, calming her down.


"I'm gonna get going." You smiled, giving Historia a quick kiss on the side of her cheek, not wanting to worry about her having to put down the baby just to hug her.

"Bye sweetie." You touched the baby girls' hand with your finger.

"Talk to you soon!" You waved as you hopped onto your horse.

Yes, your horse. The pretty horse you met 8 years ago was still with you.

Cars were manufactured at the time, but it was a waste of money and energy to pay for gas, so your horse would do, plus he was really friendly, he was like Annie's best friend as well.

Sasha's dad let you keep him there, along with the other horses they had.

Kiyah, Sasha's sister had known you well from the times Sasha would write her family notes about her whereabouts, and since Sasha's death, you checked in on kiyah much more, and she checked in on her as well.

You arrived at Sasha's house as you knocked on the door.

"Hello mr Braus." You smiled as the man let you in.

"Good afternoon (y/n)." He said as you sat down at the kitchen table.

"Annie and I were planning on moving. I don't know what I'm gonna do with my horse." You sighed.

"Did you finally tie the not with her?" Sasha's mother butted in as you shook your head.

"Well, not completely. I want to surprise her with a new home but I don't know if I want to propose just yet." You smiled.

"Take your time honey," Sasha's mother said as you thanked her.

"I'll make sure to visit often, mr Braun, we should go hunting some time soon." You smiled as you got up from their kitchen table.

"You know how to hunt?" He asked as you grabbed an apple from the bowl in the center table.

"I learned a thing or two from Sasha." You winked as you took a bite of the apple.

"I'll be going now. See you later!" You smiled at the family as they all waved back.

"And make sure to buy more of these apples, they're delicious!" You smiled as you walked out of their house and walked along the path home.

"Hi Annie." You walked into your house as she slept on the couch, you leaning over and kissing her on the cheek.

You went to your room to change into new clothes, taking your shoes off in the process, squeezing yourself behind Annie on the couch, spooning her from behind.

You noticed her turn around on the couch to face you.

"Took you long enough." She sighed as she leaned in for a kiss, you accepting and kissing her back.

"Next week let's go to my fathers back in Marley. They're almost done fixing up the destroyed houses. Luckily my dads house wasn't too heavily damaged and he's living there right now." She smiled as you leaned in to kiss her on the lips again.

"Of course." You smiled before closing your eyes.

"I'm gonna... get some rest." You smiled as you held onto Annie, her holding onto you, facing each other with closed eyes, feeling your warm breaths on each other.

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