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It's been four years since annie was crystallized Every day you would sneak your way into where the crystal was stored, to talk to, to watch, just to be around Annie. You missed her. You really did.

Everyone saw her as a traitor. You knew there must've been a reason for her actions. You y
loved her. Who cares if she killed your squad. Who cares if she ruined your home?

You really just wanted to talk to her.

You pressed your hand against the crystal, watching the girl inside. No sign of movements. At this point you didn't even know if she was dead or alive in there.

You noticed she had aged, just like you had. You were no longer the puny kid you were 4 years ago. You were stronger and more aware.

Yet you were still a stuck up whenever it came to Annie.

"Annie please." You whispered as you put your forehead on the crystal.

"I miss you." You said as you lifted your head from the crystal, now sitting down next to it.

"I'll stay with you. I don't want you to be lonely." You said. You didn't even know if she was lonely or if she realized anyone was there at all, or even if she was alive. For all you knew you could be talking to just a body. But that was okay.

In your heart you knew it was right.

You were already 19, and still had no idea what to do with your life. You were living off of being a cadet.

"I wish I could celebrate our birthdays." You told the crystal before sighing. "I didn't even know your birthday." You covered your eyes in sadness.

Just then, you felt the ground shake. You knew a huge battle was going on outside. You knew people were fighting for their lives. You heard their faint voices. You knew you were a coward, hiding with a crystallized woman.

You knew the walls made out of titans would fall and eren and his brother would come in contact.

You knew the world could end.

But if it ended, you wanted to be with Annie.

The floor continued to shake as you couldn't just sit there beside the crystal anymore.

You hid under a desk inside the room, still scared the roof would fall down from the rumbling.

All of the commotion suddenly stopped as you looked around.

All quiet. No more rumbling, the faint sound of screaming no longer.

Was everyone dead?

You stood up, patting your hair down after being under that desk, before looking back at the crystal.

Annie... wasn't there.

"What the fuck?" You said out loud before having your mouth covered from behind.

"Mmmm!" You screamed as you tried turning around to see who it was.

It was Annie. Holding a finger over her lips.

You were speechless, looking into the girls eyes you'd missed seeing so much.

Tears formed in your eyes as they streamed down your face.

Annie let go of your mouth as she fell down next to you. You weren't strong enough to stand right now.

And since she was in that crystal for over four years, it probably hurt her to stand as well.

You grabbed onto her shoulders tightly, basically bawling your eyes out, her holding you close digging her nose into your neck.

"You don't understand how much I missed you." Annie said quietly as you sniffled hard.

"Ann.. Ann...ie!" You held onto her back trying to hold onto her as tightly as possible.

"(Y/n)." She said quietly back, letting you cry into her shoulder.

Pulling back to look her in the face, you had a smile on your face, with eyes puffy and red from crying, of happiness.

"You're back." You sniffled.

"I'm here." She smiled back as she held onto her hands.

"I think we should talk. Let's take some time though." She said as she took her hand up to your face, using her thumb to wipe a tear that was rolling down your face.

You began to relax, your breathing going back to normal as you sat next to Annie, not wanting to let her go.

"I'm so sorry." She whispered as she shook her head.

"Annie, no. Don't be sorry." You watched her as she lowered her head.

"I never got to say anything. I never got to tell you anything. I never got to reason with you." She said as you put your hand on her shoulder.

"Annie, I don't care what you did that day. I know you aren't the bad guy in this situation. I always had faith in you."

She began to sniffle a little, before you cling to her once again with a hug.

"I was conscious in that crystal. For four years I sat there and waited. Every time I would hear your voice, I was happy. I was happy you spent time with me, and didn't just leave me." She smiled as you looked each other face to face, really close to each other.

"So you knew I was there?" You asked as she leaned in, closing her eyes, pressing her lips against yours.

The sensation of the kiss left you in a shock as she pulled back.

"I knew you were there, and I listened to you and your stories. I wish I could've responded. But now I can." She said as you leaned in again, pressing your lips against hers.

"I love you." You smiled as you pressed your forehead onto hers, her holding gently onto the sides of your face.

"I love you. So much, (y/n)" she grabbed you into a hug once more.

"The end of the world may be happening outside right now, but I'm with you, so I don't care." You whispered as you held onto the girl tightly.

"Me too." She held onto you for another while.

"Being in there for four years.... I'm starving." She grumbled as you stood up.

"I don't even understand how you lasted four years without food, but it's okay. Let's go get lunch." You said as you held out her hand, struggling to get up.

"Sorry. Haven't walked in four years." She giggled.

"It's alright." You giggled back as you held her hand, helping her up the stairs and into a cafeteria type building.

Crystal woman 🦋 Annie x readerWhere stories live. Discover now