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You and Sasha had gone down to the village to eat food after your victory.

"Hey Sasha stop eating!" You said as you pulled the girl away from the food basket that didn't belong to her.

Annie stood behind you, watching you pull the food from Sasha's mouth as she pulled back with her teeth.

"Titan smoke?" Reiner asked as he pointed to the sky.

Sasha stopped eating as you let go of her.

You, Sasha, bertholdt, Reiner and Annie all watched the smoke in the sky.

But how? You killed all the titans... you won! How...

You used your odm gear to get onto a roof to see more clearly.

Watching from a distance you saw a deformed titan on the floor.

"What the hell is that?" Reiner said as you all stood together watching this unfold.

"A titan? But where did it come from?" You asked as sasha stood beside you.

"Do we have to kill another one?" She asked.

"Just wait." Annie said as she watched in shock.

After mikasa, eren and Armin shown threw the smoke, you were just as confused as ever.

They were at gunpoint. You didn't want them to die. They weren't the enemies!

"(Y/n) go." Annie said as she grabbed onto your shoulder.

"Don't watch this! Go!" She said as she turned to sasha.

"Take her to the walls. Don't let her watch this." She told sasha as sasha agreed, grabbing onto your arm, making you turn around.

".... they're not gonna die.. are they?" You asked as a tear formed in your eye "they are, aren't they? The only other people from my home... are going to die." A tear fell down your face.

"SASHA GO!" Annie screamed as sasha grabbed onto your arm tighter, pulling you the other way.

Annie never yelled. Never. She's never sounded that angry either.

You held onto sasha as she took you back to the wall.

Each time you tried to turn back to mikasa, eren and Armin, Sasha just told you it'd be alright and to look forward.

"Just trust me." Sasha said as she helped you sit down on the top of the wall.

You sat down, unable to move. Eren, the only escape to this problem was going to die.


"We're taking down trost." The group joined you on the top of the wall, Annie kneeling down beside you.

"They're not dead. They're okay." Annie whispered in your ear as you almost started crying again.

"Trost? How're we supposed to do that!" You asked as jean continued.

"Eren can plug the hole with a bolder. If we use his titan, he'll be a great help."

You took a gasp at the amazing plan. It might actually work!



"Stay safe." Annie pat your shoulder as you nodded.

"Stay safe." You said back.

Your job was to protect eren and remove the titans in the way of the wall so eren can patch the hole.

You were in Sasha's squad, and stayed with her.

"Get that titan!" Sasha screamed as you knew exactly which one she was talking about. You sliced through titans necks, making sure eren had a clear path.

Eren struggled, but you saw Mikasa and Armin help him push his limits.

And there it was. The rock smashed into the wall, covering the big hole.

"... we..." You began before sasha flew onto you, knocking you down.

"WE DID IT!" She said as she gave you a hug, both of you lying down on the roof top.

"We did!" You said joyfully as you took deep breaths, knowing this was a victory.


You decided to join a group of cadets that would gather up missing citizens and make sure there weren't any missing survivors. The woman gave you a clipboard and pen, and handed you a mask.

You and Sasha both walked along the village, looking for bodies or survivors.

"Hey jean." You saw the boy from afar. You walked up to him and stood in disbelief.

"M...ma-rco." You stood in front of the boy with a half eaten body. It was enough to almost make you puke.

"Jean." You said as he turned to you, tears filling his eyes.

You knew how close jean was to Marco. You didn't know Marco much, but seeing him like this was just as sad. You couldn't imagine seeing what jean must've been feeling.

The boy fell into your arms, breaking down crying. You held him tightly in return, not wanting to let the bigger boy go.

Sasha gave you a nod before leaving, you staying in jeans arms.

The boy that was cocky, annoying, and loud was now in your arms, completely breaking down.

You didn't dare say a word.

You waited for jean to pull back. And he did after several minutes.

"Thank you." He whispered as you helped him stand up.

"I'll get this sorted. Go back to hq, I'll meet you there." You said as jean complied, leaving the scene.

"Hey (y/n)!" You heard reiners voice coming towards you as you noticed bertholdt and Annie was with him.

Bertholdt and Reiner stopped as they saw the same thing you did.

Annie, unlike them, ran up to you.

"Marco... he's... dead." You said as Annie nodded.

"Are you okay?" She asked as you nodded.

"Both of you, go back to headquarters." She said to Reiner and bertholdt as they left confused.

"Why." You wondered our loud.

"Why is the world like this? We won. We took back our land. But still, were these deaths worth it?" You asked Annie.

"(Y/n), no one should've died. But we both know that's impossible. All that matters are if you and I are safe." She said as you gave her a hug.

Hugging Annie was much more comfortable than hugging jean. It felt more warm and caring.

"Let's wrap this up here." She said as she grabbed the pen and clipboard from your hand, writing Marcos information down.

You followed her as she noticed bodies, wrote their information down, and continued. It amazed you how she was so kept together and calmed while you on the other hand, would gag every time you passed a body.

Annie stood next to you, realizing you were gagging at the sight, covering your eyes every time you passed a body.

"Thank you." You whispered. She stayed quiet.

Crystal woman 🦋 Annie x readerWhere stories live. Discover now