I'm Never Letting You Go

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^^Credits to the person who drew this

*Five Days Later*
*Yoongi's P.O.V*

I took a deep breath, 'relishing' the horrid prison smell. And then, I walked outside and inhaled sweet, sweet fresh air. It wasn't as pure as home, but it was better than usual. Much better, my first breath of freedom in four years. My first breath of no more prison. I smelled the air and also smelt Namjoon's old cologne. I opened my eyes and saw a smiling Namjoon. Oh... We greeted each other warmly and climbed into his car. Namjoon was going to drive me around before he drops me home.

"Baby SJ is at your parent's house. Seokjin told me that Miniko didn't want him there when you guys talked. Bro...you should've told her that you don't hate her and still love her. It's killing the girl," Namjoon spoke after a moments silence. He leaned back into his seat as we drove on an empty road, familiar, but empty. I stared out the window, not answering him. Though I nodded my head so that he knew I acknowledged what he said. "She misses you hell of a lot. I swear I saw cuts on her wrist but the ones I saw looked old so I didn't push. But...I think...the boys and I thought that she went through depression when SJ was born. I mean, I guess she was happy but-"

"Shut up Namjoon," I interrupted. I shut my eyes to not let the tears fall. "I know and I hate myself for it. I saw cuts too, but I'll deal with them. Miniko will forever be my sweetie bird, and I'm going to help her. And...can we go home now?" Namjoon smiled and nodded his head. So we drove to my home, talking every so often. I found out that Namjoon, Jimin, and Jeongguk have girlfriends, how he's certain Hoseok and Taehyung are gay for each other, and how Seokjin complains about not finding 'His Miniko'. Meaning that Seokjin hasn't found 'the one' or his 'Miss Right.'

When we got home, I nervously unlocked the door and dropped my stuff inside. "Hello?" I called out to an empty home. I walked around and then found a note on the kitchen counter. It was in Seokjin's handwriting, but I could tell that it's SJ's words.

Dear Appa,
Umma says that I can't be here the first two days you come home. It's not fair, but I'm going to listen to Umma anyway because she the bestest Umma everest. Seokjin Ajusshi is taking me to Daegu and then Busan. After that we're going to come back to Seoul. Tell Umma that I miss her and that I miss you!
Bye, Min Seokjin Junior >.-

I chuckled softly, folded the note, and put it in my pocket. I walked to Miniko and I's room. When I saw what I saw, guilt filled my system. Miniko was lying in bed, in a beautiful white dress that hugged her curves, with her wrists hanging off the bed. Her pale skin was glowing and her normally straight brown hair was curled delicately. In short, she looks like an angel. There was a ring of blood around her hand that dripped, dripped, dripped onto the floor. I saw that their was a path of dots of blood that came from the bathroom. I calmly walked over to Miniko and checked her pulse, it was strong and normal.

"My sweetie bird," I said, pressing my forehead against hers. She wearily opened her eyes and smiled when she saw me. I pressed a soft kiss to her warm lips. "I love you angel, I've never stopped and I never will." She closed her eyes and laid back. I picked her up bridal-style and carried her to the bathroom. There, I cleaned up her cuts and bandaged her wrists. Then I carried her back to the bed and let her sleep while I cleaned everything up. When I was done, I changed into more comfortable clothes. They were kind of baggy since I had lost some weight in prison.

"Yoongi-ah," she whispered once I'd climbed into bed with her. I put my hands on her waist and kissed her sweetly. The fabric of her dress was thin so I could practically feel her soft warm skin. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her close to my chest. "I missed you...I love you too." She closed her eyes and I pressed two soft kisses against her eyelids. Angel kisses for my sweet angel.

"I missed you too and...I never hated you, I could never hate you. I can and will only love you. Marry me, sweetie bird." She giggled gently and buried her head into my neck, wrapping her arms around me. She nipped a bit on my neck while also slowly massaging my back. "I missed this baby, I really missed this..."

"I will marry you," she murmured. "So that we could do this everyday and sometimes with little SJ in between. He's afraid of lightning, so he'll be here often."

"I don't mind. Little kids are cuddly, right? I won't be disturbed if I have a cuddly wife and a cuddly kid snuggling with me. It'll be pleasant, I suppose."

Miniko pulled away slightly and smiled at me. I smiled back, staring into her beautiful brown orbs. She stared back, grabbing my hands and entwining it with hers. I looked away from her eyes and looked to see how she had changed in these past four years. Unfortunately, she's a bit paler and a bit skinner, and yet, still as beautiful as ever. Her skin, though plagued with scars, was still as soft as ever. Her hair was still as silky and sweet-smelling as always. Her voice, laced with a maternal tone, was still as pure and beautiful as always. Her lips were still as plump and strawberry tasting and herself overall, was just...amazing. I found my soul mate, I found the love of my life, and I found my Miss Right.

And I'm as sure as hell I'm never going to let her go again.


I really hope you guys enjoyed 'Fallen to Rise'. I love the ending of this story because it is bae. To me it is, anyways. You guys may have different opinions that you people can talk about in the comments *wink, wink*.

ANYWAY (because that is the only word in my vocabulary) I am sad to see the end of this story. (Or am I?) I am sad to see Micky and Minnie leave us. I'm upset that baby SJ isn't elaborated upon and that Seokjin hasn't found the one (Actually, he did).

But...that stuff will go down in the sequel 'Seokjin's Miss Right'.

Thank you guys, as always, for reading, voting, and commenting. I would love to mention you all here, but I don't want to leave anyone out. Well, I'll mention one person who has followed this story since the beginning. Yoppity, thank you so much. Your comments made my day.

Um, I'm trying not to make this so long. Soooo, I love you guys, thank you, and GOODBYE!

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