From Makeup to Bruises

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*Next Day*

Boring classes, boring work, not boring time at home. Miyuki was here to keep me company. "So let me do your make up. Yoongi's gonna love it."

"Only if you let me do yours!" We did our makeup and both ended looking extremely...Like two girls who are wearing so much makeup that it's not even funny.

"Now let's dress up and go par-ty."

I laughed at her antics. "Where? It's not like we have anywhere to go."

"A club duh! We can make you some new 'friends'."

"I have a boyfriend!"

"Who you haven't seen for days! Come on! He won't know!"

"The truth always has a way of getting out."

"Yoongi won't mind!"

"I won't mind what?" I heard Yoongi say. My eyes lit up and I ran to hug Yoongi. He hugged me back. "I missed you," we whispered to each other.

I looked up to him and my eyes widened. "Yoongi what happened to you!" I pushed him down to the sofa and ran to get a first aid kit and wet wash cloth. "Who did you get into a fight with Yoongi? Miyuki get an ice pack!" I dabbed his black eye with the wash cloth. I grabbed an alcohol cloth and cleaned his cuts, and then I put bandages over them. He winced, groaned, and whined but eventually shut up.

"I'm okay Minnie. Don't worry about it. Namjoon accidentally got into a fight and I tried to stop it, and I got a black eye as a reward. You look...honestly, you look kinda like a slut. Not that you are one, just because you're wearing so much makeup. I'd say you look better with none."

I frowned at him. "Are you hurt anywhere else?" I asked, ignoring his comment completely.

He shook his head, but when I gently touched his chest, he tried to hide his wince. I threw off his shirt. "You lied Yoongi. You have a few bruises on your chest." I brushed my hand over his bruises making him cringe and shiver.

"And you look really tired. Go rest in bed, I'll make you some dinner. Okay?" I said kissing him softly.

"I'm really fine Minnie. Let me help you with dinner and don't forget about Suga."

"Okay, no Suga. You have to rest, I don't want you to injure yourself any further. I'll help you."

"I've got the ice pack!" Miyuki called out. She ran over to me and handed me an ice pack. I gritted my teeth because of the cold and gently pressed it against his black eye.

"And keep this on your eye." He stood up and held onto him. We walked to our shared room and I let him rest on the bed. "I'm going to make dinner for you and Miyuki. I'll be right back." I made dinner for Miyuki and Suga. It was simple and quick to make.

"Here's your dinner Suga."

"Can you feed me?" He said with a mischievous smirk.

I sighed. "Fine. MIYUKI! YOONGI'S MAKING ME FEED HIM!" I yelled. I took a spoonful of the rice and held it to him. He ate the food.

As I fed him he stroked my thigh. "Thanks Minnie. I'll make it up to you tonight." I rolled my eyes and made him drink water. When he was done I washed all of the dishes and hung out with Miyuki.

"Ooo we should watch a movie!" She yelled excitedly.

"Which one?" I asked. I got up and looked through Yoongi and I's small glass cabinet of movies.

"It's a surprise, but get Yoongi out here to watch with us." Miyuki grinned mischievously.

I raised an eyebrow. "Okay." I walked back into Suga and I's room.

"Suga, watch a movie with Miyuki and I, so you won't be lying in bed bored. I'll help you get there, okay?" He nodded his head and I got him onto the couch. Suga pulled me onto his lap as we watched the movie. Surprisingly, it wasn't anything crazy, just the Spongebob movie of him going to Shell City. I swear I heard Yoongi sniffle a bit when the sad part came on. Though it was over soon, Miyuki was sleeping, and we retreated into our room to cuddle.

"So Kim Namjoon, or Rap Monster is the leader of the group. He's kind of like the bad boy and dark one. But he's a great leader and friend. Next is Park Jimin...or well Jimin. He's a kid with abs...that's all. Kim Taehyung or V. He's really weird and strange but a good friend. You can trust him. Lastly is Jeon Jeongguk, or Jungkook. He's the golden maknae and a sweet, good kid. So our group, we're like modern day Robin Hoods. We don't hurt we just help. I feel like that explains it pretty well. I guess I got hurt though." I stared at him in shock.

He chuckled and kissed me softly. "You're like V. But more cute and well, better. A mix of V and Jungkook," He whispered against the kiss.

*After a Few Minutes*

"I heard you cry during the sad part."

"I didn't cry!"

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