Where Do You Go?

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"Yoongi why don't we-"

"Suga," My boyfriend interrupted.


"Suga. That's my new name," he spoke. Confidently, he nodded his head before turning to smile at me.

I raised an eyebrow. "So now I have to call you Min Suga?"

He nodded his head. "It'll probably sound better when you're complaining about something. Sugaaaa. As apposed to, Yoongiiii."

"If this 'Suga' the name in your little gang too?" I teased.

"It's not a gang, Miniko," he snapped, scooting a little away from me.

"Hey, hey Min Suga. I'm sorry, I was just teasing." I raised my hands up in surrender, a little surprised by his outburst. Normally he was calm so it was a surprise to see him get angry.

"Sorry for snapping," he spoke, letting out a gentle sigh. Yoongi looked back up to me before scooting closer and letting me crawl onto his lap.

"It's okay, Suga. I could tell you care a lot about your new friends, yet you haven't even told me about them. My curiosity is at its peak. I want...no need to know about my boyfriend's new buds." I smiled as I notice his eyes light up by the mention of his friends. He must really like them.

He laughed, affectionately ruffling my hair. "Sure, I'll tell you about them. I didn't actually expect you to care or to really be curious about them."

"Well I want to know who's taking my precious Suga time away from me. If we had some of that time then you'd have more cuddling time with me." I faked a pout and crossed my arms, glaring him. He knew I wasn't serious so he just kissed my pouting lips and took my hands to intertwine with his.

"Aww, I'm going to miss that." He kissed me before pulling back to give me his own pout.

"But can you tell me about your friends now?" I snuggled closer to him, as though I was a young child excited to listen to his parent speak.

"I'll tell you if you tell me what you've been doing," He teased. I tried to ignore the fact that he was avoiding the subject d his friends, trusting my boyfriend of so many years.

I pouted. "Fine, I've mostly been thinking about you. But when I noticed a pattern of your gone-ness then I thought that I could take that time to work an extra shift or maybe clean up our sweet home a bit."

"What about your novel and classes?" I frowned a little bit, wondering if he was hiding anything about his new friends.

"Well I go to my classes everyday, obviously. My novel is steadily building. I'm not sure if I should add some romance or not. I know kids love it, but would that mess up the story? I still haven't figured out a good name for the main character either."

"Ahh. I'll help you with this things. What do you use as his name right now? Oh and romance is always a good thing to add. You should make it little so that it doesn't overrun your plot, but still enough to keep the kids interested."

"True, but for the name I just use 'Blank'. As in 'Blank won't tell his girlfriend where he's been hanging out or who his new friends are because Blabk is barely home anymore'." I leaned my head forward a bit, giving him a serious hint.

Of course, being the cute jerk he is, he totally disregarded my hint. "Well 'Blank' in itself would be an interesting name. It's something authors don't typically do and you said that your main character is cold and usually maintains a poker face. Blank, in my opinion, would be a great name."

"This is one of the many reasons I love you, Min Suga. We could talk about anything and if I need help you'll always help me. Now, I beg of you to tell me about your friends because you are very bad at pretending to be dense and ignoring obvious hints."

Suga smirked before beginning to laugh. "Okay, okay. I'm sorry for stalling...and I love you too." He rubbed his hands together. "Well I'll start off with the oldest, who's older than me, Kim Seokjin, or Jin. In a way, he's the 'mommy' of the group. He takes care of us and helps us with our problems. Sometimes he even brings us food!

"Next would be me, Min Yoongi or Suga. I'm the 'daddy' because I fix a lot of things around our hangout spot. Ugh, but there's no way I'm marrying Seokjin. Just... They also say that I'm the laziest which...I dunno.

"Anyway, next is Jung Hoseok, or J-Hope. He's very caring and sweet, but also as a funny side. Also a very, very, seriously annoying side. He loves skin-ship...and bothering me...so."

*Knock* *Knock*

"I'll get the door," Suga said with a smile.

"Ah! Take me with you!" I yelled. He laughed and picked me up bridal style. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his jaw. He answered the door and we saw two guys.

"Ah, hello Jin and Rap Monster. This is my girlfriend Miniko, or Minnie." I shyly waved at them, with the other hand still around Suga's neck.

"Hello Miniko. It's a pleasure to meet you. Suga talks a lot about you." The tall man with brown hair and broad shoulders smiled at me as he spoke. I assume he is Jin, just because he looks more like a mothering type than the other.

"It's a pleasure to meet Rap Monster and you. Suga was just telling me about all of you guys but he stopped at J-Hope because of the knocking." 'Suga' let me stand.

"We're sorry to interrupt your time with Suga, Miniko. But we need him to come with us, don't worry nothing is wrong. We just forgot to do something and Suga is the best at it so we need him."

"You don't mind do you. Miniko?" Suga asked quietly. I smiled at him, held both of his hands, and gave him a sweet peck on the lips.

"I don't mind at all Suga. As long as I get to spend a few sweet moments with you then I'll be happy. The only problem is that I don't have anyone to tuck me in to bed and kiss me to sleep," I said, using a teasing tone on last part.

"I could still do it quickly. I don't think they'd mind too much," He said worriedly. Heh. He fell for it.

I giggled. "I was just teasing. You're so cute sometimes. Have fun okay?"

He nodded his head, smiling at me. "Of course. Don't have a party without me."

"No prob'. Well I love you Suga. See ya later."

"Love you too Miniko. See you later." He pecked my lips and left.

*Suga's P.O.V*

"Dude you are so in love," Jin said teasingly.

"Hmm, I know. Miniko is the perfect girlfriend. She's definitely my Miss Right," I hummed dreamily.

"You told her about us?" Rap Mon asked.

"Yeah, trust me she won't tell anyone. Well I haven't told her really, just a few things about Jin and J-Hope. Nothing for her to speculate."

"Miniko seems chill...I guess we can trust her."

"I mean she's actually curious about what we do, our modern day Robin Hood. It was adorable when she asked because she sat on my lap and kissed me a lot. I swear that girl will be the death of me."

We assembled the rest of the team and went out to hunt to help. It took us most of the night and I felt guilty for not allowing to let Miniko fall asleep in my arms or to snuggle up to me the way she does. I hope I don't have to leave her like that too much. I know she misses me as much as I miss her.

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