Nice To See You Again!

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*Knock* *Knock*

I looked over to see Rap Monster, a boy with orange hair, and another boy with a snapback, looking expectantly at me. I unlocked the door and kicked it open. I quietly greeted them, noticing my that my cooing had put Jungkook to sleep. They all smiled at me when they saw a peaceful sleeping Jungkook though.

"Yup, hyung picked a special one," the boy with the snapback said smiling. "I'm Jimin."

"I like you," the boy with the orange hair said. "You're pretty and nice, I'm V."

"You already know me," Rap Monster said with a smile. "But I know that your cool. Thanks for helping us out Miniko...I guess we should give you a cool nickname huh?"

I chuckled softly. "You guys are too sweet, Yoongi surely made nice friends. I guess in the wrong circumstance, but I know that it could've been a lot worse. Oh so um...I don't really think you'd want to use one of Yoongi's pet names for everyone calls me Minnie, usually as in Micky and Minnie from Micky Mouse. Oh don't tell Yoongi that I told you about the MM thing since he's Micky." I giggled which made their smiled grow. "Oh and the stuff we need is in the trunk. I gave them my keys and tried to awkwardly lift Jungkook myself. I couldn't though.

"Jungkook-ah," I whispered in his ear, gently shaking him awake. "Please wake up, I'm not strong enough to carry you." He sleepily opened his eyes and leaned on me like a half-drunk person as I led him inside the factory. When we got inside, I smiled at Jin and J-Hope, and grinned when I saw Yoongi. I let Jungkook fall asleep on what I assume is his bed and ran over to my fiancé. I pecked his lips and felt his forehead. It wasn't too hot, but it was still hot enough to get me worried.

"Baby, I don't want you sick," he mumbled tiredly. "As much as I hate to say it, please don't kiss me." Even so, Yoongi sat up and hugged me, kissing the top of my head. "I missed you," he whispered in my ear. I smiled and hugged him back.

"I missed you too, Yoongi-ah," I cooed. He chuckled but then covered his mouth. His eyes widened and looked terrified. I realized that he was about to throw up. I grabbed a bucket that was near his bed and put it right by his face. Yoongi grabbed the bucket and barfed violently into it. I rubbed his back and cooed sweet nothing's in his ear as he threw up.

I noticed that he practically sweated through his clothes from his intense flu. Hmm, I told him to get the flu shot. "Yoongi-ah," I whispered as he put down the bucket. "You need to change your clothes." He gave me a pleading look but I shook my head. I gave him a quick hug before running off to the boys who brought in my suitcase. It had some of Yoongi's clothes in it, so I picked some out and brought it to him.

"Babe," he whined in a hoarse voice. "Come on."

"I'll change you myself, Yoongi. I can't have your wearing sweat sodden clothes. Please." I gently kissed his cheeks and gave him puppy dog eyes. He sighed softly and agreed. I tossed the blanket over him and he changed under the blanket. Soon he was done and was back to suffering in his bed.

"What was the last thing Yoongi ate?" I asked Seokjin, who had just come back with a bucket of water and towels. He handed me a cold towel and I gently dabbed Yoongi's forehead with it. Then I dabbed all over his face.

"I'm not sure, um, I think we have food here uh..." I pointed to the bag of food I left a nearby table and he nodded his head. He brought back some food and I slowly fed Yoongi. He whined and attempted to poke us away but of course he let me feed him. When he was done I fed him his medicine and made him go back to sleep. Before he did, he wrapped his arms around me and forced me to cuddle with him. I kissed his cheek sweetly and curled up under his arms. When Yoongi was peacefully asleep, I gently brushed his hair and nipped gently around his neck. He squirmed around making me giggle.

After awhile of bothering my sick sweetie, I just stared at my sweet fiancé. I leaned my head onto his and sighed softly. What's going to happen now? Will Yoongi and I ever get married? Would we have to live out here for the rest of our lives? Would we ever be able to have kids? Yoongi and I used to talk often about having kids together. He would always say that he wanted ten kids and I would argue saying how painful it would be for me to give birth to ten kids. We would playfully argue about it. I miss those days, when I didn't have to worry about Yoongi getting hurt, arrested, or killed. I should have stopped him when I heard about it...

I wonder what would've happened if I talked to the police. My decision to come was very rash and I do kind of regret it. Would it have been the wiser choice? Would Yoongi have been in prison right now? I'm sure he would hate me (as well as the other boys) if I turned them in. I could never have Yoongi hate me... I love him too much and I would be depressed if he were to. I wish this never happened and we were peacefully happy living our lives. Me, with my almost finished book, and Yoongi with his half done raps and photos.

I closed my eyes and hugged him. Even through his clothes, I could feel his warm skin. Most likely from his flu. Well, Yoongi has always been a cuddly little bear so cuddling to sleep with him was like heaven. Actually just cuddling in general is like heaven.

"You guys are a really cute couple," Jin said, bow sitting down next to the bed. I kissed Yoongi hot cheek and let him go before turning over to talk to Jin. "I'm envious, honestly. Suga and you seem so perfect for each other. You love him enough to pretty much give up life and live with us. Thank god for that also, I don't think I would be sane without someone as level-headed as you are." Jin sat with his legs folded and hands in his lap.

"Thanks," I said with the softest sigh. "But it's not easy. Yoongi and I have been together since high school and life wasn't completely kind to our relationship. You know what happened a while ago... But before that, in high school, Yoongi and I were lab partners. Once while we were really messing up on an experiment, he bashfully slipped me a note. It was cute, it was basically him asking if I would go out him and if I wouldn't get mad at him for accidentally slipping in a valentine candy. I smacked him in the back of the head and said that I would."

"That's cute," he said chuckling. "Though it doesn't really seem like something Yoongi would do. He must've been different when he was younger."

"He was, Yoongi was a bit more shy and wasn't as blunt. He grew though, obviously."

"I honestly wish I had a girlfriend who loves me as much as you do Yoongi. It kind of embarrassing really. Yoongi is my dongsaeong and he's getting... *cough, cough* he has such a loving um...*cough, cough* Oh, I think I may be getting sick ah... I'm going to lie down."

I grabbed Seokjin's arm before I got up and gave him a small smile. "It's okay," I said gently. "I should talk about it. This is what life is throwing at us, now an uncertain future. I mean, you guys are amazing people but the law punishes often roughly on thieves. At least you guys didn't murder anyone." Seokjin sucked in a breath and looked frightened. His eyes darted to Yoongi who I felt stirring next to me.

"Babe," he whispered weakly. "Water." Seokjin ran off the get it, while I embrace Yoongi's hot, sweaty, sick body. I don't really care if I got sick, I honestly just wanted him to get better. When he gets better, I can talk to him about all of this.

When Seokjin got back I eased Yoongi up a bit and let him drink some of the water. He pushed my hand away and gulped down the water. He let out a loud sigh of relief and laid back down. Yoongi turned over to me and stared at me his, albeit red, beautiful eyes. I put my hand on his hot cheek and pressed the softest peck to his lips. He frowned and wiped my lips with his thumb.

"Yah," he warned weakly. "You can't get sick. No kisses until I get better. Now ah...go talk to Jin hyung, let me be for a while." He squeezed me into a short hug before gently pushing me off the bed. I sighed softly and walked over to where Jin was now sitting.


You guys are truly amazing people. *tears in eyes* Thank you to those who read, voted, and commented. I hope you are enjoying my story and I hope you continue to enjoy it. Lastly, I hope you guys continue reading, voting, and commenting. I pour my heart out for you guys and I hope you're enjoying my heart juice. Bye~

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