Upgrade // 20

937 57 10


     Ranboo and I were in the kitchen, trying to make a cake. "Bruhh, we should have gone to Nikki's." My son looks up at me. "Who's Nikki?" He asks, "We'll just have to go n' see her." I see Ranboo smile, I look at the cake mixture and poured in the sugar and stirred it in. Ranboo started to laugh at me. "What are you laughin' at?" I poke his side. "Papa that was salt not sugar." I look back at the mixture and dipped my finger in, tasting it. "Bruhhh! How, I was payin' attention." I say, trying to sound less monotoned.

     I hear the door open and see Tommy and Philza come in the house. "Hallo." I say and sign, "YAY! Grampa Phil and Uncle Tommy are back!" Ranboo yelled and jumped on Tommy. "Woah! Hey dude." Tommy says, slightly pushing Ranboo off of him.  "Well we fucking can't rest yet. We need the phantoms to come out, so we can fuckin' slice the bitch." Tommy says, "Not infront of Ranboo you gremlin." I sign,  he rolls his eyes and walks up the stairs.


     I walk upstairs and into my room. Looking out my window to see if there was anyone out there. I saw three men following Phil and I home and I wanted to make sure that they weren't here. They might be the hunters that Philza keeps telling me about. Not that I couldn't get away, cause I can do that... I think. But that's not the fucking point, they'll hurt my family if those people are anything like that.


     I see the sun setting and I run down the stairs. "Philza fucking Minecraft, the sun's going down." I yell and dash outside into the cold snow. I look up (at the noise that I heard(is what I was about to say)) around and try to find phantoms once I found one I open my wings and fly after it.

     I swing my axe, killing the night terrors. Once I killed all three of them I take the membrane I earned and walked inside. "Philza can we start the potion now?! I got the fucking membrane." I see him look up, smile, and nod. We set everything down on the living room table, and I grab a brewing stand.

     I watch as Philza flips threw pages of a massive book, landing one the correct one. "Can you get one bottle of water?" Phil asks, I quickly grab the bottle and gave it to Phil. He first puts the glow stone and red stone dust in the top as it makes it's way down into the bottle, turning it brown, he takes the wither skull and ghast tear and then put them into the brewery as well. (don't come for me idk tf) "I need the phantoms membrane and dragon breath." Philza signs, I take the glass bottle of dragon breath, and place it on the table. I grab the membrane from the kitchen, and hand it to Phil.

     I watch inpatiently as the old man, pours the pinkish liquid down the stand, then taking a piece off the membrane, again placing it down the brewing stand. He waits until it turns a redish purple color, then he gently places the parrot feather into the mixture. I watch as the potion turns to a cream white. "No way I hell I'm drinking that shit, Phil. It looks like cum." "TOMMY." Philza signs aggressivly, "What?" I laugh with the word.

     Philza takes the bottle and shakes it. The white color turns into a light blue color. "When you take this, it'll be the worse pain you've ever felt. Are you sure?" I nod my head, "YEA! I'LL GET ALL THE WOMEN NOW!!" I see Technoblade come from down the stairs. "Is it done?" I see Techno's lips move. Sense I can't see Philza's lips, he signs and talks; I can see his chin move. He turns to me and hands the bottle. I open the lid and start to chug the fowl liquid.


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