Avian // 19

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A/n: picture above is what a nether portal looks like, also THANK YOU ALL SO FREAKING MUCH FOR 12K VIEWS, this is cheesy but, I couldn't do it with out all of you, and I'm so greatful. I have never thought I would have came this far, especially because this is my 4th book. I love you all so so much and I really appreciate all the love and support 💞


As Philza and I say our good bye's to Mumza, we head to the nearest jungle forest. "Stay close there are still hunters out here." I nod to Phil, and we find the parrots. I had a couple seeds in my pocket, so that helped a lot with taming the bird. Phil, as gently as possible plucks two feathers from the vibrant colored bird. It flew away and we kept to our journey.


Walking down the dirt path with Philza Minecraft, I was taking in my surroundings. I tend to do so because being deaf cuts off and important part of defense. If I look away, something could attack and I wouldn't have had any idea. Losing one of your 6 senses makes your body use the other 5 you have.

I find it easier to tell who is coming by their foot steps. Techno's foot steps are powerful, yet light as a feather, he's a very tactical PvP fighter. Ranboo's walking pattern changes every 5-10 steps, that could be because he's young. Phil's are a continuous pattern; even when he stops, the pattern keeps it's repetition. Though I can still see, it helps when my eyes are closed or if I'm looking away.

We finally stop in a plains biome, I look to Phil. "Why'd we stop?" I ask. "We need to build a portal for the other items." Philza signs, I nod and take out some obsidian crystals. I always loved how when placing down the crystals they all fit together. When you light it, it forms a big portal for us to walk through.

We both walk through making our way around the nether. I found so glow stone at the roof of the nether, I flew up and mined some. The dust I collected in my pouch, there were two little sides to it; one for red stone dust, and one for glow stone dust. It was Wilburs, he used the leftover red stone that I found in it for the explosion.

I flew back down with the haunting memories. "You alright mate?" Phil asks, I shrug and walk around to find the fortress. I can't fly around because of the dripping lava from up above. It's so random so I don't know when I could fall down onto my wings. I didn't want to take any chances with not being able to have the upgrade.


After an agonizing hour of searching for a fortress, we finally see one in the distance. I sigh in relief knowing that the trip is almost over. I see multiple wither skeletons marching around. One of my worst fears is dying from one. I walk behind one of the skeletons and swipe my axe at it. It turns around and slices my arm with it's sword.

I see my finger start to grow a deep black, the effect was now starting to seep in. I grow a bit week as I moved around taking more swings at the creature. It finally fell back, I sat down in the corner and waited for the effect to leave, I pull out a golden carrot and ate it. Once I saw the blackness disappear I stand up and took a swing at the neck bone, making the skull fall away from the body. I take the skull and place it in my bag.

I look to Philza as I see him killing blazes, he stops and breaks the spawner. He walks down to me, and signed, "Are you alright, are you able to get a ghast?" I nod, "I'm a big man, old bitch." I said smiling. I had my plan ready, I was going to fly up behind it; and fight it from above. It was risky but what's a bit of danger?

Soon enough I see a ghast float past, not seeing me or Phil. I quickly open my wings and flu up dodging lava. I take my axe and swing at the floating mob. I do this a few times then, I see it deflate almost. The big creature was now a small ghast tear. That was now falling twords the lava pool.

I dive down and catch it in my hand that was an inch above scolding hot lava. I flap my wings and fly back to Philza. "That was close, good job though." My father said, I smile. "Thanks old man." I put the tear in my bag and we make it back to our portal, and prepare are way back.

We keep walking in the plains biome. I see a pathway, and a couple tents near a beach. There were oak posts, like lamps surrounding the area to light it up. "Why is this here?" I ask, looking to see Phil's response. "I don't know." I shrug and keep walking, soon we see smoke from Technoblade's house. I start to run twords the house, making my way in to see my family.


I have been watching this avian boy, it seems to be that he cannot hear. That's good for sneak attacks, we could easily kidnap him. I remember many moons ago, when I almost got this avian's wings before. He was to old and wise, so he got away easily; but I won't let this one go.

A/n: ok so the place with the tents is Tommy's exile place, but no I will not have him in exile, in my book. It doesn't really go with my plan in the future of the book. Again I want to thank you all so much for the support on this book I really am happy to put out content for all of you 💞 you all got me to were I am right now and I really appreciate it so so much. Eat, drink, and have a beautiful day. I love you all 💞

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