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      I walk to the wall of the mountain, looking for any even a button or pressure plate. I couldn't find anything, "Think you stupid voices." I say banging my head with my hand.


Pick the flower




Red tulip

Red flower

     I quickly look around for the flower. I spin and spin, and meet with a flower a meter away. I run to it, and pick it up. A door way opened and I take my axe of peace out. I had my totem if it came down to it, I had so many potions, and 3 god apples one for Tommy.

     I walk in to see a button on the wall and press it, I here something open. I walk to the edge and see the level going down so I jump to it. As I make my way down, I see a huge opening. I see Tommy's two discs on display, and I see a little hall way.

     When the elevator stops at the bottom I make my way to the hallway. I see everyone's special things, or the special things that Dream had to get. Sapnap's pet fish, Tommy's pet cow Henry, Ghostbur's sheep needed to get here, and many more things. I look carefully around and see a pressure plate. I step cautiously on the item, and a passage opens.


Kill Dream

Blood for the blood god

Find the Theseus in you

Kill him

Make him suffer


     The voices kept yelling at me to kill Dream. I did it once and I'd do it again. No one touches my family or friends. As I walk I hear Tommy's voice, and I hear laughing. I step quietly, and see Dream standing in front of Tommy's cage.

     I walk behind him and put him in a headlock. "You're going to die, I'm going to kill you Dream." I whisper in his ear. "Not before I do." He says, kicking my leg. I grab my axe of peace, and charge him. I cut his arm, then punch him.


     I was now standing over a almost dead body, "Your going to suffer just like you did to Tommy." I say shoving him to the ground. I take my pickaxe and start to break Tommy out, It was easy doing so. "Thank you Techno." I smile, "Any time." We walk out, "Why don't you get those discs? And maybe Henry." I say, he looks at me and runs to his discs, that were on display. (420 words)

     We get out of the big house type thing and head back to my house. I haven't seen, my little one in awhile. I kinda miss Ranboo. I walk in and see Ranboo, "Papa! You found Tommy!" He comes running and hugs my legs. I pick him up and hug him.

     "Hi Ranboob." Tommy says, Ranboo makes a mad face and signs, "I love you." Then crosses his arms, I chuckle. "Ranboo, you said I love you to him." He looks at me surprised, "I didn't want to say that, he's a meanie.

     "Aye! Philza, what's for dinner." Tommy says, Phil turns around. "Didn't you just get back from being kidnapped?" Tommy's smile fades, "Can we not talk about it?" Philza nods, and smiles. "We are having steak." Phil signs. Tommy smiles, I'm glade everything is a bit back to normal.


      I wake up and see the sun shining, I smell eggs, and bacon. Who ever is cooking did me dirty for that one. I walk downstairs, to my horror Dream was there with Ranboo. "Get away, Ranboo!" I yell. "I wouldn't if you knew what was best." He says turning around, "Tell me who this little one is."  Dream smiles, "He's my son, now get out of my house." I growl, "Hmm no." He says.

     Dream walks over to Ranboo with a knife in his hands. "Papa?" I tear up at Ranboo's cry, Dream slits his throat.

     What the hell, I wake up. I feel wetness on my face, I'm crying? What the hell, I know Ranboo is safe. I walk downstairs, and see Ranboo sleeping on the couch. I move him over a bit and lay down with him in my arms.

     "I won't let anyone hurt you."

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