Wings // 4

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     I wake up and see the sun shining through the window. I look out the window and see a blue sheep. How is it blue I asked myself. I head out the, house and walk over to it. The sheep lays down and I lay my head on the vibrant blue animal. I close my eyes and take a little nap.

     The nap didn't last long, because I was shooken awake. I look to see who it was and I was met with Wilbur, but he was see-threw. "I-i watched you d-die. W-who are you?" I ask, moving away. Wilbur moves his lips but to my disappointment I couldn't hear. "Do you know how to do sign language. I can't hear you." The figure smiles and moves his hands, "Hi Tommy! I see you found Friend. I'm Ghostbur, not that Wil guy." I stare at Ghostbur, and nod.

     Technoblade comes out of the house, and stares at me confused. "Wilbur?" Technoblade signs and says out loud, as I can see his lips moving. "Nope, it's Ghostbur." He smiles, Technoblade nods.


     I can't help but wonder why Wilbur had a ghost here. "Stay here." I sign to them both. I grab a history book of life. And go to the table of contents. Flipping to the right page.

It is said that if a human dies with unfinished work, they will come back as a ghost. They might not know who they were before they died.

     I walk back out, "Tommy, come here." I say from the front door. "Oh." I says again and walk to him, grabbing his hand. He follows and I show him the page. "Holy shit, Wil's a ghost. How is Philza going to feel." Tommy says, I look off to the distance. What is Philza going to think? He'll be in shock or something.


     I was getting better at signing and understanding what people where signing to me. I'm glade that my brother is smart. How would I understand the others? "Hey, I'm heading out." I say, feeling the rumble of my throat. Technoblade looks at me and nods. I open the door, walk down the stairs and walk off in the distance.

     I was now in a field, the snow was fresh and un touched. I open my wings and run forward, soon taking off into the sky. I close my eyes, and fall back diving down to the ground. Quickly swooshing back up to the sky. I see the sun clearly, setting off in the dining. I think about how I won't be able to hear my brother Wilbur sing anymore. I won't be able to hear Tubbo, or Phil, or Techno. I'll be lonely, and I won't be able to hear ever again.

     Why couldn't I be the one? Jumped in front of Phil's blade. But now I'm here, doing nothing for my nation, deaf. I'm fucking deaf. No one could help it, it wasn't anyone's fault. I should have ran like Will said to. I begin to cry as I land down on a tree branch. I can't do this. I must be a pain to Technoblade.

     I make my way back to the house, seeing as I don't like being alone. I've told Technoblade about this, but I think it bothers him. I walk in and say hello, Techno drops a splash potion of invisibility. Making Techno and I invisible. "Techno?" I say, "H-hey big guy, r-remember when I said I didn't like being alone." I start to cry, "I really want to know if you here." I wipe my tears. I feel arms wrap around me, I hug my brother back.

     He grabs my hand, placing it on top of his. "I'm here." I feel him sign, I hug him again. Slowing my breath to match his. I see color start to fade back to us. Technoblade pulls away and nods, I nod back.

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