Stolen // 7

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     Waking up was peaceful, no noise. I  was a heavy sleeper, Philza said. He said when I was younger he would watch me sleep, to make sure that I was breathing. It was weird of him to do.

     I walk outside the house and take a walk. I want to fly, because I can. So with that once I got far enough, I open my wings and take off. I did this about everyday, sometimes of Ghostbur was here I'd take him with me. He can keep a secret pretty good.


     As I head over to Technoblade's house I see a bird, but it wasn't a normal bird it was huge. I look a bit closer and see the white and red shirt. Perfect, I don't need to ask Techno. "Tommy!" I yell, he doesn't respond. Hmm weird, I see him landing on the ground little ways away.

     I walk up to him, trying to be loud. He doesn't turn, I grab a potion of weakness and throw it at him. I rush over and tie his hands, then I knock him out. (I'm sorry, it's for plot.) He was light to carry, but how did he not know to run? Stupid kids.


     I find myself in my bed, Ranboo's tiny body sleeping. He must of came in, in the middle of the night. He jolts awake, "T-techno somethings wrong." He says to me, "What's wrong little one." I say, thinking he had a bad dream. "T-Tommy, someone took him."

     I get out of the bed, and pick Ranboo up. "Let's go check." I smile at him, I walk in but Tommy wasn't there. "Hey Ranboo, how do you know Tommy got taken." He looks at me, for a bit. "I know what?" He asks, "Tommy, were is Tommy." I look at him, "O-oh um mask, a smiley face mask." I groan, stupid Dream.

     "Hey Ranboo, I'm going to get Philza to come over. You wanna see Phil?" I ask, Ranboo. He smiles, "Yay! Philza!" He jumps, I write a letter and hand it to the crow. The little bird cherps and flies away. I wait a little bit, and I see Phil coming from the distance.

     I walk out and, greet Phil. "Please find him." He says to me, I nod and walk off. Tommy wouldn't be able to hear me yell for him, so it'll be harder to find him. I sigh, and walk around. He couldn't have gone far.

     4 hours of trying to find Tommy and I see a trail of blood, and human footprints. I start to follow the path that was made, soon leading to a huge mountain.


     I woke up in a closed old, rusted, and cold cage. I look around and try to see the things that surrounded me, but it was too dark. I feel the ground thud repeativly. I look up to see Dream, he turns on a light just enough to see. Then he lips start to move.

     "Ya' know Dream your actually stupid." I smile, "I can't hear you, you massive dickhead." He makes a confused look, I point to my ears. "I'm deaf bitch." He smiles and opens him mouth again. I guess he is laughing.

     "Oh Tommy, you know that I still have your discs. Right?" I stare at him, of course I knew. How could I forget, "Yea, what about it?" I say, no fear. I can't show him fear. "I'm gonna burn them. All the hard work finding them." He smiles, "Don't you dare, you massive shithead. " I say looking him the eyes, he pulls something out. I stare in horror, Mellohi. He holds in between his two fingers, and walks away.

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