impossible // 5

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A/n: I'm sorry I had school then softball practice, so I didn't get to post yesterday.


     I have made a grave for Wilbur. It's more of a monument. I put a L'manburg flag, his hat, and jacket on an amor stand. I rebuild the room, for this too. I couldn't get over the fact that I murdered my son. There wasn't a crow, that joined the little group. I get it, why would he want to forgive me.

     I'm a monster, and all the little crows where the innocence that I had killed. Their souls lie in every one. "I'm so sorry." I hold them all. They forgave me, how I know is that they come and stay with me. They perch on my shoulders and head. I don't mind, it's calming to have company. "Why do you guys forgive me? I hurt you, and took your life." I cry, one of the birds softly pecks at the tear that fell. I smile, and pet the top of her head.

     I open my wings, and stare into the water. I didn't have to save him from the explosion, he wanted to die. I used my wings to protect him, and now as a result; I can't use them anymore. I sigh and fold my wings back.

     I need to check in on Techno and Tommy. I open my wings, forgetting an start to walk to the portal. Using hell to get around helps, and my feet hurt less. I watch as the fire particles fly around, like they have a mind of it's own.

     Once I get to the specific portal, I walk through and feel the rapid difference in temperature. I walk over the hills, and finally see the house in the distance. I see Tommy on the roof, and Technoblade at his potato farm.

     "Hi Tommy, hi Techno." Techno looks up, but Tommy is reading a book. Why was he ignoring me? "He can't hear you, Philza he's deaf." Techno says to me, "Your going to wanna see this." Techno walks into the house, and I follow. "Ghostbur, I wanna see Friend." Techno says, I stare at Techno in shock. Ghostbur? Like Wilbur? I look back to see a transparent Wilbur, but his name was Ghostbur. "Oh hey Philza Minecraft." He smiles, a blue sheep at his side.

     "You look stressed, have some blue." He has me a blue stone, but it was weird; I felt better. I chuckle and hand it back to him. Ghostbur nods and goes outside.


     I was reading up on Techno's roof. I feel someone behind me, so I turn around. Ghostbur, "What the fuck, you scar d the shit out of me." I scold, he smiles and signs, "I was reading with you." He waves his hands meaning excited. I smile and go back to reading.

     "I really want to hear you sing." I say to him, looking at him. "I'm sorry, I could give you some blue, instead. Everyone needs a lot of blue today, why." He signs, handing me a blue stone. I feel a little better, "I could show you." I slide off the roof, walking in to tell Techno. "Hey I'm going to show Ghostbur, L'manburg. Oh." I say, then I see Philza. He smiles weakly, and says something. Obviously I couldn't hear, "Phil I'm sorry,.I can't hear you." I walk out and start to head off to L'manburg with Ghostbur and Friend.

     I walk pass my house and finally we meet at the steps. Ghostbur looks at me and signs, "Is this why people need my blue?" He asks, I nod. Ghostbur looks back at the decade land. "Who did this?" He signed, "Umm, you actually." I say, he looks at me. I see he is holding some of his blue in his hand, Friend close to him.

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