One Down // 18

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A/n: ok Maximum Ride manga Max's wings are what Tommy's wings look like. But his are smaller than the picture, when the upgrade happens they'll be slightly bigger. Picture of Max ↓↓↓

 Picture of Max ↓↓↓

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"Welcome to the elders court, plead your wish." I bow down, along with Kristen. I slap Tommy's shoulder, and he soon joins us. We all get up and I begin to plead. "With consent by the elders, I wish for one single bottle of dragon breath. My son, Tommyinnit Minecraft; was gifted wings by the gods. With the dragon breath, he will be able to become a stronger avian, and can be closer to the great gods." I bow down to end the speech.

The elders and look at each other, not saying anything. They never did when coming up with a decision. Some of the city, suspect that they talk to each other through there minds. I like to think that too, I always talk to my Mi Mom (grandma) about it. She was a very wise old lady, and she taught me most of the things that I know today.

"Tommyinnit Minecraft. Step on the pedestals so we can have a look at you. Open your wings as well." I look over to see him just standing there, I tap his shoulder and sign to him what to do. "Is there a problem?" One of the elders asks. "I'm sorry for the hassle, my son is permanently deaf. The explosion of our country, came with a lot of tragedies."

I walk up with Tommy, standing in front of him so I could sign what the elders where saying to him. "As the leader of the elders, I hear by state that we came to an answer. Tommyinnit Minecraft, Philza Minecraft, and Kristen Minecraft will receive a single bottle of dragon breath, for the upgrade of Tommyinnit Minecraft's avian wings, and to be closer to the great gods of this world." The leader says, as I sign to Tommy.

Tommy smiles and bows down, soon stepping off the pedestal. I bow and walk up the couple stairs to gather the dragon breath, and start to walk down the stairs. "Philza." I turn around and was greeted by the leader. "Be careful, keep an eye on Tomathy. My wings were riped away from me. I don't want the same for your son or anyone else." He puts his hand on my shoulder, and walks back to the others.

I walk out and Tommy smiles, "WE FUCKING DID IT! PHILZA FUCKING MINECRAFT, MY MAN." Kristen looks at me with disappointment. "I told you not to curse in here." He smiles and walks out the door. "COME ON OLD BITCH!" I see him start to walk away and me and my wife follow. "He has a very fowl mouth, Philza." Kristen scolds. I sigh, "He got it from William." I reply back.


We make our way to Kristen's house, and get ready for a late lunch. "What do we need to get now?" Tommy asks, "We need to get 2 parrot feathers, a ghast tear, glow stone, red stone, phantoms membrane, wither skull." I sign. He nods and Kristen comes out from the kitchen. "Lunch is done!"

~Mystery pov~

I slam my fist down on the table. "Here's the plan, we get the avian boy. That's all you two have to do." I say to JC and Matthew. "Ben and I'll will take care of cutting his wings." I look to Ben. "He just a kid right?" I nod at him. "What the hell does that matter?" I ask. "I'm out." With that Ben starts to walk out. "Well, If you're out," I take my netherite sword, and cut clean decapitating Ben's head from his shoulders. "You're out." I turn around and face the other boys. "Anyone else wanna leave." I ask, to that they say no.

"Good to hear."

A/n: OoooOoooOooo a wee bit of angst coming, I'm very proud of myself for getting this posted

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