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~Bakugou's POV~

I've spent a week with the LOV and I can't find a pattern to (y/n)'s attacks, she just goes when she wants. Pink Cheeks was right, the vibe is better than at the dorms but I don't like being around Icy Hot's brother. Purple Portal Guy makes waffles breakfast and to be honest they're really good.

"What are your plans today Miss (y/n)?" portal asks as he sets down a plate for me.

"To train Eri and see where Bakugou's allegiance truly lies." she says handing out plates to the rest of the UA traitors. Eri goes up to (y/n). "Oh hey Eri, whatchya need?"

"Can I fix my own waffles?" she asks.

"Like put the butter and stuff on them?"


"Ok, let one us know if you need any help."

"I will." she says as she gets in her seat beside Deku and starts to fix up her waffles. (y/n) gets her plate and sits next to Deku. I eat my food and go to my room.

Dynamite: there isnt a pattern to her attacks, she just does what she wants, but she will train Eri every day with All For One.

Fat Gum: She's always been like that. All For One may be a way to get to her, he seems to be a father figure to her.

Dynamite: he is, she calls him 'Father' and he calls her 'Daughter', and I remember her crying at Camino when he got carried away.

Fat Gum: That would make sense.

Dynamite: she said that she would question where my loyalty lies today.

Fat Gum: If you say that you're with her then you'll be lying and she may be able to feel that, but if you tell the truth then she'll likely attack.

Dynamite: so im screwed either way.

Fat Gum: Unfortunately, yes

Dynamite: great, lets see what happens.

She may kill me, she might not. I lay on my bed and my mother calls.

"What do you want, old hag?" I ask.

"Katsuki? We got a call from your school that you haven't come back for a week, your father and I are worried. Where the hell are you?"

"I'm at the LOV base doing hero work." I say quietly.

"Oh, well I guess I better let you do your thing then." she says, "We love you Katsuki."

"Love you too mom." I say as I hang up. Then there is a knock at my door, I open the door to see (y/n) and Deku. "Can I help you two?"

"Come with us." Deku says. I follow the two to the roof where everyone else is and then (y/n) turns around.

"Katsuki Bakugou we have come up here today to ask where your loyalty lies." she says, "Now if you lie I will know and will not be as lenient with mercy."

I accept defeat, "If I'm being honest, I'm with the heroes. But at the same time I want to get things done as fast as possible... and be with Kiri."

I see (y/n) look over to Kiri who is looking to her with panic. She sighs, "I may be a villain, but I'm still human. I know how much you two love each other. Kiri you can stay here or go with Bakugou as a vigilante."

Kiri runs up to me smiling and I hug him. I see her take Deku's hand and lay her head on his shoulder as Kiri and I leave.

~Your POV~

You watch as Bakugou and Kiri leave and go back into the common room. You then get an idea, you know that Tsu has had a crush on Ochaco for a long time, but Ochaco doesn't return the feelings.

"Ochaco, Toga, Mina, Hagakure, how about we take a girls day and go around the city?" you ask. You get a mix of agreements and make a portal to where you know Ryuku and her agency will be patrolling. The five of you walk around the streets and wait for the heroes to show.

"Stop you villains!" you hear Nejire call. You all stop and you turn to see Ryuku and Tsu on the ground.

"Oh how lovely, we were just having a girls' day out. Would the three of you care to join us?" you ask.

"We will have our own girls day when you and the rest of the League is in jail." Ryuku says turning into her dragon form.

"Oh well thats a shame. I thought we could just have some actual fun, ya know?" you say as you hold all three girls in place. You then see Hagakure's clothes on the ground, and Nejire gets attacked.

"I've got her (y/n)!" Hagakure calls.

"Perfect. Ochaco, why don't you go take care of Tsu, and me, Mina, and Toga will take care of Ryuku."

"On it." Ochaco says and you fight the dragon. As you fight you hear Tsu and Ochaco talking but you can't make out a word they're saying. Mina melts, Toga stabs and you burn. You hold Ryuku in place as you use Toga's knife to pull a scale from Ryuku's dragon body.

"A souvenir." you say holding the scale in your hand. Hagakure had Nejire pinned, and Ochaco used her 'Gunhead martial arts' to pin down Tsu.

"Well it was good to see you girls, but we must be going." Toga says and you open a portal that leads back to the hideout.

"And Ryuku might live if you stop the bleeding as fast as you can." you say as you pull the most of the water out of Ryuku. You head through the portal and back to the hideout.

"(y/n)! I have a surprise for you." Eri says.


im aiming to go for 50 chapters and then a good and bad ending so yea, the end is in sight!

BYE <3

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