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This is going to be kind of an intense chapter. This is just a backstory chapter so if you want to skip it you can.

TW: Rape and Murder

~Your POV~

You were walking out of school with the boy you were a head over heels with, his was Kitanai, he was a third year and was already planing on what high school he was going to go to. Today was the last day of the first semester and the two of you were going on a celebratory date to your favorite park. You knew you weren't going to be able to change for your date so you decided to wear some (f/c) thigh highs instead of your normal black leggings.

You two walk to the park and you tell him about your plans to make wings of fire with your quirk. You make a figure out of dirt and make the wings on the figure.

"I want to do this, but on myself." you say as you let the model go between your fingers.

"How will you fly though?" Kitanai asks.

"I'll manipulate the air around me to do that. I plan to perfect these when I can manipulate two elements with out any problems."

"Well I wish you the best of luck, Element." he says. Your face lights up as he uses your future hero name. You two enter the park and walk around to see the koi fish in the ponds. Eventually you two go over to a swing set and talk about life and as the sun sets he takes a blanket out of his bag and lays it out under a tree.

"This has been the best date ever Kit." you say as you sit against the tree.

"Do you want to know what would make it better?" he says putting a hand on the opposite side of you.

"What?" you ask.

(TW: RAPE AND MURDER) look for another bold section like this if you wish to skip

"Doing this." he says as he gets on top of you.

"Kit...wh-what are you doing?" You ask getting a little scared.

"Just stick through it babe, you're gonna love it." he says as he takes his belt off and undoes the clasp to this trousers

"Wait, no stop. I don't wan-" you say knowing whats about to happen, but you get cut off with a kiss. He continues to force himself on to you and when you could you screamed for help. After multiple tries no one came to help. Not even by standers. Your hands were pinned to the ground so you couldn't get to your mace. You knew that using your quirk was illegal, but you had no other option. You burned his hands causing him to jump back and off of you, you grabbed your bag, and ran home crying. The police station was on the other side of town, but your home was closer so you ran there.

end of scene, continue reading if you so wish

"Ah there you are (y/n)." Your mom says, "Honey why are crying?"

"Kit he-he tried to force himself on me and tried to rape me." you say.

"Well me and your father told you to year your leggings instead of those thigh highs because with your skirt and thigh highs, you're begging for it." you mom says going back to making supper.

"What?! Mom! I just about had my virginity taken from me and your not going to do shit about it!?"

"You watch your language young lady."

"Me and your mother told you this what happened, so you can't play the victim." You father says coming into the kitchen.

"And I told you that clothes aren't consent!" you say feeling your face get hot, "By saying this you're saying that men shouldn't be responsible for their actions and that it should be my job to prevent their actions!"

"Honey, boys will be boys." your mom says. Now that set you off, you saw read and nothing else. Your parents were pro heroes and it was their job to protect people and bring wrong doers to justice. They were the only pro heroes you've had experience with, so what they did you thought all other pro heroes did the same thing.

"Oh yea? So then that must mean that you're asking for this." you say with an insane tone as you set the two of them and your house on fire. Their screams filled your heart with joy. "You pro heroes don't help people the way I thought you did."

You exit the burning house and hear sirens blaring down the street, but you didn't care all you wanted to do was find Kitanai. You still had your bag and saw thousands of texts and missed calls, you told him to meet you at the park. You were standing by the entrance when he showed and he started apologizing and saying 'I love you' like crazy.

"If you really loved me you would have stopped when I told you to." You say looking him dead in the eye and watching as flames consumed him. He screamed like your parents did and you saw someone watching with the police on the phone. You run into some back alleys and run into someone wearing a suit and has a helmet that looks like something from a science fiction movie

"Well hello there. You must be the one who set that boy on fire." the person says.

"I am." You say.

"I am All For One. Please come with me, I won't hurt you." he says as he leads you to bar in an abandoned building.



imma get to work on the Deku's backstory.


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