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~Your POV~

"Let the 8th match BEGIN!" Mic announces. You bounce your leg as you know that Bakugou won't hold back, you've experienced it yourself, the only reason why you won was because of you setting off his quirk and throwing him off long enough so you could pin him.

Ochaco runs up to Bakugou and he causes an explosion knocking her back. You see that she takes her top off in the smoke and uses that a distraction in hopes of an opening.

"That's a solid move Uraraka." you think to yourself. Bakugou goes for the top and she goes around behind and almost gets her hit in. But she gets blown back. It's explosion after explosion but you see more and more rocks go up in the air. You're still temped to call down to Bakugou to hold back just a little. Then a "pro" starts to an uproar, but Aizawa handles it. You make a mental note to cremate the 'hero' later. You watch as a bunch of debris fall then Bakugou counteracts by blasting it out of the stands. You watch as Uraraka stand weakly trying to attack but her knee buckles and she falls from exhaustion. You watch as she tries to crawl her way to him but stops and Midnight walks to the ring.

"Uraraka is K.O, Bakugou advances to the second round." Midnight says.

"And that's it for the first round! Oh yea I guess Bakugou is moving on... Lets try to forget the depressing outcome and with that the first round is complete! We're taking a quick break and we'll be back with more matches!"

You go into the back to take a bit of a break and when you hear Mic call for the next competitors you start to walk out but then you see Endeavor and your first instinct is to take a defensive stance.

"I was looking for you." he says.

"Really now?" you ask.

"You have a powerful quirk and your strategizing skills are very well developed."

"Well thank you, but I must get going because I'm in the first fight." you say as you walk around him, "And your masterpiece of a son has a high chance of joining us."

"It is my Shoto's duty to surpass All Might as the #1 hero." he says, "And his match with you will be a good testing ground for how much training he has left. So hit him hard. Don't disgrace yourself or him by holding back. That's all I wanted to say, I apologize for bothering you."

"Oh trust me, I plan to hold absolutely nothing back." you say as you enter the ring.

"I can feeeeeeeel the anticipation in the stadium and not just because the first match of the second round is gonna be epic! It's the guy who won his last fight by a landslide and literally left half the audience frozen, the hero course's Shoto Todoroki! And this girl won because she got bored of fighting, also from the course, (y/n) (l/n)!"

"So here we are." he says.

"And only one of us can win." you say, "I'm not going to hold anything back so use your full power."

"Both heroes in training have been front runners in the sports festival, but which one of these rivals will advance to the next round? Prepare for (y/n) vs. Todoroki! BEGINNNN!" Mic announces.

Todoroki starts with an ice attack and you use a rock pillar to stop the ice. You decide to make rock pillar stairs and get above where he would have a harder time getting to you and you pounce. He does another ice attack but you cut through the ice with fire and end up knocking him down.

"Damn it Todoroki, use that damn fire of yours. It's getting boring using just fire and earth, I wanna use some water attacks too. Also if you think you can win with only half of your power, you're so wrong, you're gonna need everything you have to beat me."

"Are you trying to get me to use my fire? Did my monster of a dad bribe you or something?"

"Nope, just me trying to get a fight out of you. Also, you two may share quirk genetics, but it's YOUR quirk, not his. Disown him, just because you're related doesn't make you family." you say remembering what All for One told you when you accidentally called him "father".

"It's ok little one, just because they were your birth givers doesn't make you a family, it's the bonds you make. I would be honored if you called me father.."

You see an inferno start to emit from his body and you smile. 

"Don't blame me for what happens next." he says.

"Oh I won't. Now lets have a fair fight." you say. You spread your wings and it felt like a fair fight as you resorted to hand to hand and eventually you got Todoroki pinned down using the ring. He tries to use ice but you melt it. He freezes the cement and breaks through.

"I really don't wanna have to resort to turning him into a puppet. Just wait it out and wait till he uses all his stamina." You think as you blow a fire attack at him, he throws one back and it causes a huge explosion. You make a rock pillar behind you so you don't get knocked out of bounds. When the smoke clears you see an exhausted Todoroki. He does like Ochaco and collapses out of exhaustion. Midnight goes into the ring and checks on him.

"Todoroki is K.O, (y/n) advances to the next round." she says the crowd cheers and you go to the infirmary to see how much damage you caused and also tend to the seed of betrayal you planted. 

"You ok Todoroki?" you ask as he comes back.

"Yea, what the hell was that?"

"Must have been the two fires reacting (Like endeavor's and dabi's)" you say.

"Your father was looking for me before the match telling me how it was "your duty to surpass All Might" like you were some sort of heir." you say, "You could go the complete opposite way he has and disown him that way."

"What do you mean?"

"Like not go down the path he has. He's like my parents, I can feel it. He would place the blame on an innocent girl who had just gotten raped by saying "she was asking for it." Think about what I've said and come to me if you want to know more." you say as you leave. You see that Kirishima got K.O by Bakugou and you're part of the final four.

You're up against Ida.

"This should be easy." You say to yourself.


and easy it will be...

BYE <3

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