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~Your POV~

You walk into class with Deku and Mr. Aizawa starts the off the class with the Hero Work Studies explanation.

"Time to take your seats everyone." he says, "Now that Mirdoriya is back we'll go into more detail about what these work studies entail. Go ahead and come in." The door opens to reveal the Big 3, "I'll have people who have experienced them first hand explain. I suggest you listen carefully as they point out how work Studies differ from internships. These three are third years at U.A, they rank at the very top of our student body, you may know them as the Big 3."

You see that one of the Big 3 is the face in the ground, Mirio Togata. Everyone starts to marvel at the fact they are in the class room. Amajiki tries to go first, and his initial stare was intense so returned it with confidence and then he broke. Hado then goes and you internally groan as she starts on one of her question sprees, her bubbly personality just grinds on you and you don't know why.

"Alright the rad new plan is that all you first years fight me at once!" Mirio says.

"Heh, easy. I can feel where ever he goes. He doesn't stand a chance." you think to yourself. You get changed into your gym uniform and meet your class in a gym. Hado goes on about something, but you just want to fight.

"Alright who's gonna start this party?" 

You make your way up to the front, "I am." you say as you spread your wings

"Ah yis the powerful one."

"I plan to hold nothing back, so bring it." you say taking a defensive stance. You make a move knowing that his clothes will fall off so you close your eyes.

"Sorry my quirk is a little tricky." he says as the long distance team fires. Things pass right through him. Dust gets stirred and you go over to where he'll pop out. You land a solid kick to his face. He goes back under and you continue to chase him as he beats up your classmates. He slows down and starts to focus on the hand to hand team, which at this point includes you. Midoriya comes up with a solid plan that puts everyone on equal playing ground. Mirio starts to charge at you and then he dives into the floor. You feel for him. He pops out behind Deku and he gets knocked out along with everyone else..

Except you.

"Wow, no wonder you're #1 in the hero course." Mirio says as he recovers from a hit to the back.

"You sure are chatty." you say as you doge him popping out of the ground behind you. You land a hit to his abdomen. "I can't pin him, he'll just faze through and attack, so I need to knock him out." You aim the next blow for his head and land it, making him go dizzy and ultimately surrendering.

"Wow to be taken out by a first year... that's new." he says. He then gives a whole speech about how he turned what he goes through into power and even though it's meant to be for heroes, you take it to heart as a villain. He even explains the differences between the work studies and an internship.

"To take my experiences and then turn it into power..." you think to yourself. You want to get more powerful in general so you decide to ask some questions at a later date.

You get a text from Shiggy and sneak out. You get to the warehouse in your villain costume and catch up for a bit when you see Twice come in with Overhaul. You sit next to Shiggy and let him do the talking.

"Well now, you brought us a pretty big catch huh now Twice."

"The quality of said catch remains to be seen." you say.

"Now now Puppet Master, let's treat our guest with some respect. This is the young Yakuza, the young head of the Shie Hassaikai. To what do we owe the pleasure?"

"He's the #2 of the whole gang? Ohh I've never met anyone like him before, he smells so dangerous. How exciting!" Magne says.

"What's the deal? We're all criminals here so how is this guy different?" Toga asks.

"That would be the same as asking 'Why is our Puppeteer in power of our League?'." Compress says as he tells the back story to the Yakuza. There's a few questions aimed at Overhaul and what really catches your attention is his response to Magne.

"It's good that he's gone sure, but I'm more interested in All For One's absence." he says, "The dark emperor who ruled over the the shadows. The old timers always feared him even after rumors of his death. Honestly though, most people my age thought he was an urban legend. You can imagine the shock when he showed up in the flesh, but in the end, the big bad was thrown into Tartarus and the symbol of peace retired. Which means those of us in the shadows and those in the light are leaderless. So who will step up to take their places?"

"You're wrong." you say, "Those who are in the shadows aren't leaderless, they just don't know their new leader yet."

"And who would this "new leader" be?" Overhaul asks.

"Me." you say, "Before he was placed into the hell hole we know as Tartarus, All For One gave his power to me so that I may take his place. So like I said, you are wrong in the fact that the people of the shadows don't have a leader."

"So a child is the head honcho of the under world? Tch, how pathetic. You lost some top tier villains because you don't know how to play this game."

You're about to say something when Magne jumps into action, "How dare you talk down to our new leader, she's a powerful person who was brought up by All For One himself! Our new leader didn't lose them, it was those kids from U.A that made us lose them!" you see Overhaul touch her and she explodes.

"Just remember you made the first move." Overhaul says. You see Compress try to avenge Magne but he loses an arm, Shiggy tries to land a hit and he ends up disintegrating a random Yakuza member. "Guys there more coming." you say as more bust in.

"You're late." Overhaul tells a guy in a white poncho.

"And I missed a shot but at least we know they work." the guy says.

"Where did they come from? We weren't followed I swear!" Twice says.

"One of them has a tracking quirk." You say.

"Hard to be objective in this situation besides killing each other isn't productive, a death on both sides, lets take a breather. We'll cool our heads and try again later, I owe your side an arm."

Toga and Twice want to go after him but you deny their requests.

"Smart decision Puppet Master." a short person says. You hold Overhaul and his goons in place and you can feel the panic. 

"You seem to forget who the hell you're dealing with Overhaul. I could kill you and your minions right here right now, but I can tell you've got something I want so I'm gonna keep you alive for now." Your ears start ringing and you let Overhaul go and he throws a card. You check the time.

"Guys I better go." you say making a prosthetic arm for Compress.

"Alright, good luck with the rest of this year." Shiggy says.

"Thanks, I plan to reveal who I really am along wit Midoriya and Todoroki by the end of the year." You say flying off.


poor magne.. I liked her :(

BYE <3

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