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~Deku's POV~

The second phase starts and we run out, we follow (y/n)'s plan. She flies above us with her ice wings looking for areas with major damage. She's low key kinda hot.

"Midoriya are you alright?" Ida asks, "Your face is awfully flushed."

"Huh, oh it's nothing, just a little hot." I lie. (y/n) lands and stands there for a minuet.

"There's people buried under ruble here, there, and there." she says pointing to the areas, "Save them asap."

I run over to the closest area to find an elderly man with a middle-aged woman, and a 4-5 year old child. Must be a family. Ida, Todoroki, (y/n), and me lift up the ruble and help the people out.

"Are all of you alright?" (y/n) asks starting to tend to the people.

"My leg. I can't move it." the woman says.

"Don't worry ma'am, we'll get you help right away." (y/n) says.

"What about my baby?" the woman asks panicked.

"Don't worry ma'am , your child is in good hands." (y/n) says, she goes to her headset, "Element to City Medical Station, I have a lady who can't move her leg. I'm bring her your way."

I hear the someone respond and (y/n) flies the woman to the station. She comes back a few minuets later and helps with the other victims.

"Is that everybody?" Ida asks. (y/n) walks around.

"Yes." she says coming back.

"Deku to city rescue squad the area has been cleared, move to other areas." I say. There's responses and I help with the near by medical station.

~Your POV~

You go to the earth slide where you find Bakugou heading for some people trapped in a hole. He's about to yell when you slap a hand over his mouth.

"Don't yell, when people are in need of rescue they're having the worst day ever. Try to be comforting." you say, "Are two alright?"

"We'll get you someplace safe." Kirishima says going in to help you, Denki also jumps in to help. You treat the two at the med station when you feel an explosion. You protect the two and hear over the intercom that "villains" have attacked.

"Perfect, I'm in my element." you think as you see Gang Orca, the only hero you're pretty sure has seen you with out your mask, "Shit. If he did see me then I'm fucked." You put a wall of earth up to protect everyone.


There's a mixed response of agreements. You make a move that causes dust and make a model of yourself out of earth to fool the "villain". He attacks the model and you see all the henchmen frozen and you see Todoroki. The dust settles and you see Orca look in confusion as the model moves like you as a diversion as you go to kick him in the head and use the ground to pin him down. You see Yarashi and Todoroki start to argue.

"Now's not the time you two. Right now we need to focus. You can settle your little dispute some other time." you say. You listen to the two of them argue and decide that Yoarashi needs to go.

For good.

"But not right now, that would only give me away." You think to yourself as you see Gang Orca's hand coming for you. He grabs you neck and you struggle against him and he just stares at you, like he was trying to figure something out. In a last ditch effort to get away you burn him and use your wings of fire to get away. You get the testers who got hit with the paralyzing sound waves to the evacuation site. You fight the henchmen and a buzzer goes off.

"And yea so at this time all of the HUC members who have been deployed have been rescued from the disaster zone. It may seem anti-climatic but with this the provisional licensing exam has been completed!" the instructor announces he tells how the scores will be announced and you go change back into your uniform.

When the time comes you look for your name on the screen and see that you passed along with Deku. You see that Todoroki and Bakugou didn't pass so you go over to the newest LOV member.

"I bet there will be some special classes for you seeing as you didn't pass." you say putting a hand on his shoulder, "But that means that there is room for improvement, so don't get discouraged. We can't always win, I learned that the hard way."

You see Yoarashi walk up and aggressively apologize because we all know that it was their little argument that made them fail. You get a sheet of paper with your score and what you lost points on. You see that everything was pretty good but your "ability to stay calm" area was less than everything else, over all you passed with 95 points.

"Woah, (y/n), 95 points!" Jiro says.

"Yea, I probably got docked there at the end when I yelled out orders." you say rubbing the back of your head.

"But you managed to pin down Gang Orca!" You hear behind you. You turn around and see Shindo.

"Eh, I can pin down many people." you say.

"Yea but still." he says. "Even though I'm a third year and you're a first year, I look up to you."

You laugh, "I like your style, Shindo. Lets stay in touch."

"Yea." He says taking out his phone. You put your number in it and he puts his in yours.

The instructor gives a speech about now that you have your hero license you can do whatever in an emergency situation and you go back to the dorm. You and Midoriya give Todoroki a run down of your jobs at U.A and go to the common room where Bakugou says something to Midoriya.


and the exams are over.

BYE <3

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