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~Your POV~

It's your time to take the practical exam and you had told Bakugou and Deku your plan to apprehend All Might.

"Team (y/n), Midoriya, and Bakugou practical exam. Ready, go!" the automated voice says. You walk in and use the vibrations that his heartbeat was sending to sense where he was.

"Alright he's at the other end of the- wait... GET INTO AN ALLEY NOW!" you say as you feel a major blast of  air coming. The three of you duck into the nearest alley to take cover.

"If you think of this as an exam and not a real fight you'll be sorry." He says as you run out into the street, "I'm a villain now heroes, remember that. You better come at me with everything you've got. I won't pull my punches."

You smile and you see him lunge at you. You make a rock wall and Bakugou goes around with the cuffs but All might is quick to react and throws Bakugou down. You grit your teeth.

"Midoriya!" you yell.

"On it." you can see All Might get disoriented and confused. You get the cuffs from Bakugou and try to put then on All Might but he just throws you up in the air. You spread wings and you see a big dust cloud. You land and wave the dust around in hops of seeing All Might. You see All Might out of the corner of your eye going for Midoriya. You shove him out of the way and you get pinned with a broken hand rail. You see Bakugou get punched in the stomach you feel Deku in an alley way. Bakugou is knocked and disoriented. You shoot All Might in the air with a pillar, you get Bakugou, and go into the alley way Deku is in.

"Damn it." you say through gritted teeth, "Even with those weights I underestimated him."

"Guessing we move to plan b?" Bakugou asks.

"We have to. I see no other way around him." Midoriya says.

"We have run through the back alleys. They'll provide extra cover." you say. You and your team run towards the exit gate."That plan had to have been full proof. What if I missed something, some small yet important detail? Even then, I used the skills that father has taught me to the best of my ability. Am I getting too cocky? No I planed everything to the T, I used all the information I had and analyzed our opponent and his power, I used every step father taught me perfectly. If I can't defeat All Might now... will I be able to when it's my time, even as the Puppet Master?" as you think you tear up. You see the gate and feel All Might as well. "He's near and waiting for us." you say stopping peering around the building seeing All Might there waiting by the gate. You duck back and lean against the building in the blind spot.

"Well what do we do?" Midoriya asks. You grit your teeth in defeat.

"I-I don't know.." you say pacing. 

~Deku's POV~

"I-I don't know.." (y/n) says starting to pace.

This catches both me and Kacchan by surprise.

"(y/n)..." I start.

"Midoriya, I want you to name a plan that I have made that hasn't worked." she says.

"There isn't one." I say.

"Exactly. I know this shit like the back of my hand. I was taught by the greatest mastermind there is and yet I still failed." She says. She punches a wall, causing it to crack, and sitting down. I can tell this is really grating on her.

"We need a distraction, something to pull All Might's attention away from at least one of us giving them time to get through the gate." Kacchan says.

"We've tried the distraction thing with trying to get the cuffs on him and that didn't work." (y/n) says. 

"That's because we were trying to get close to him. This time we're trying to get away, so it might work." Kacchan says. (y/n) looks down, I can only imagine how much she's over thinking. Shes 

"Well, I guess I'll be the distraction." she says. I hear her say something under her breath and it gets Kacchan's attention.

"Great. Me and Deku will take care of All Might." Kacchan says. (y/n) gets to the top of a building and engages in battle and me and Kacchan go through the gate, making us pass the exam. When we get out of the grounds, me and Kacchan can tell (y/n) is in her head.

"Hey (y/n), would you wanna go get a coffee with me after school." I say. Coffee has always been a comfort for her.

"Oh yea, sure" she says with a weak smile.

"Kacchan you can come too if you want." I say.

"Ehh, why not, I could use a pick me up." he says catching on to the fact that this was for (y/n).

After school we walk to a small cafe. I get a coffee with 1 sugar and 2 creams and a cinnamon roll, Kacchan gets an americano with a chocolate chip muffin, and (y/n) gets an iced coffee and a (f/f) doughnut. We sit at an outside table and I can tell that (y/n) is still in her head.

"What you thinking on (y/n)? You've got that look." I say.

"Well, it's just I can't tell if All Might planed around us or if my plan wasn't as full proof as I thought."

"He likely planed around you." Kacchan says, "He knows you have the mind of a villain, and likely knew how you were going to plan. So that put him at the advantage."

"Yea and you seemed pretty upset after your plan didn't work." I say.

"Maybe I'm just over thinking things." she says, taking a sip of coffee.

"Quick question." Kacchan says.


"What do you mean by 'I was taught by the greatest mastermind there is'?" Kacchan asked. I tense up, knowing who she meant.

"Oh, I was taught how to plan things by my father. The greatest mastermind ever thing is just my opinion." she says. We finish our coffee and go back home.


I feel bad for Bakugou... finding out that she's the puppet master and deku is with the LOV is gonna crush him.

BYE <3

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