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~3rd Person/Deku POV~ (idk what to call it)

As Izuku Midoriya sat in his homeroom writing notes on quirks as his teacher talks about high schools and Katsuki Bakugou makes a speech about going to UA high school.

"Oh yea, Midoriya. Don't you wanna go to UA too?" the teacher asks. Izuku freezes as the class starts to laugh.

"Midoryia? You're kidding right? There's no way you're getting into the hero course without a quirk." a student says laughing.

"Well actually they got rid of that rule." Izuku says standing, "I can be the first one"

Bakugou charges at Izuku and explodes him out of his desk while yelling, "Listen up, Deku. You're even worse than the rest of these damn rejects you quirkless wanna be. You really think they'd let someone like you in when they can have me?"

"No wait! You've got it all wrong." Izuku says scared, "Really, I'm not trying to compete against you, you gotta believe me. It's just that.. I've wanted to be a hero since I was little, I may not have a quirk but I can still try my hardest can't I?"

"You'd never be able to hang with the best of the best, you'd die in the exams!" Bakugou yells, palms smoking, "Defenseless Izuku. This school's already crappy, you really wanna embarase it more by failing so hard?"

Time skip

As people leave, Isuku goes through his phone to see that the villain attack from that morning was all over the news and was going to write some notes down as Bakugou takes his journal.

"I don't know what you're thinking Deku, but we're not done." He says as he holds the notebook and his friends join him.

"Whatchya got? His diary?" one of Katsuki's friends ask. He shows his goons the label of the note book, "Huh? Don't tell me you're taking notes on how to be a hero. That's so pathetic."

"He delusional." another one says.

"Yea. Really funny guys. Just give it back." Izuku says. Bakugou punches the notebook and explodes it at the same time, "That's so mean.." Bakugou then throws the note book out the window.

"Most first string heroes show penitential early on, people just look at them and know their destined for greatness." Bakugou deadpans, "When I'm the only student in this garbage junior high to get into UA people will start talking about me like that. They'll realize I'm legit, the next big thing. That's not ego talking, I just know I'm good. Here's a word of advice nerd, don't even think of applying or else."

"That's just sad." one of Bakugou's friends says as they leave him in the class room, "I at least thought you had some fight in you."

"He finally gets it he'll never be a hero. Better to find out now instead of later I guess." the other one says. Bakugou stops.

"You know if you wanna be hero that badly there might actually be another way." Bakugou says, "Just pray that you'll be born with a quirk in your next life and take a swan dive off the roof of the building."

This then flips something inside Izuku, "If I get told one more time that I can't be a hero, I don't what I'll do but it won't be good." and he gives Bakugou a death glare, but he returns the glare with warning sparks using his quirk. As Izuku walks to find his journal he thinks about what would happen if he really jumped.

"Great now my dreams have turned into fish food." He thought to himself. He continued to walk home as a sludge villain got a hold of him. Just as he thought is was too late, a punch came out of no where, saving him. Little did he know that his greatest idol, All Might was in front of him. After a meet and greet. Izuku had so many other questions that he held on to All Might as he flew. When All Might landed, Izuku asked the question that was burning most.

"Is it possible to become a hero even if I don't have a quirk?" he asks. All might stops dead in his tracks, "I'm a normal kid, without any powers. Could I ever hope to be someone like you?"

"You wouldn't last 5 minutes against a villain quirkless. I'm sorry kid, it's just not possible." All Might says as he takes the sludge villain to the police. Izuku's world shattered around him as he just realized,his biggest idol, one of the people he looked up to most, just told him he couldn't be a hero. But before Izuku could say something else, All Might was gone.

Izuku walked home hugging his notebook with tears in his eyes. He was passing an alley way when a deep voice calls out to him.

"Young man, why are upset?"

Izuku looks to where the voice came from to see a man in a suit and a helmet that looked like something from a science fiction movie.

"Well, one of my idols just told me that I couldn't be a hero because I don't have a quirk."

"Awe, well I can fix the problem about your quirklessness. I am All for One. Who are you?"

"Izuku Midoriya."

"And if I may, who is your idol?"

"It was All Might." Izuku says sadly.

"These pro heroes are so focused on the work and not encouraging their fans. I say we build a society where hero's work but also encourage their fans."

"I would like that." Izuku says.

"Great, now come with me I shall give you a quirk."

"What quirk is it?"

"It is called Distortion. The user can distort one's reality and take an object from a reality and use it for a short time before the object becomes to distorted to be of any use."


another backstory done. we can now get to the main story....

stay for a while and see where this goes.

BYE <3

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