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~Your POV~

You're fighting Fat Gum and being careful with how you fight because any blow you throw can be thrown back at you at full force, you also had Tamaki to deal with but you held him in place. You feel more people come up behind you. You turn and see Bubble Girl and Mirio. You hold Fat Gum, Tamaki, and Bubble Girl in place.

"How did you get your quirk back?" you ask.

"The heroes found an antidote to the quirk destroying stuff and I got my quirk back." he says fazing into the ground you go over to where he'll popout and you land a hit to the side of his head, knocking him out.

"You seem to have forgotten that I've beaten you before." you say as you take his quirk for good, "Now, who should I fight next? Enie. Meenie. Miney. Moe." your finger lands on Tamaki. "Oh this should be good."

"I don't care if you were once my defense, I will defeat you." he says.

"Awe Amajiki finally got some confidence." you say in a mocking tone, "Now lets see if you're going to follow through with what you're saying."

You fight and Amajiki protects Mirio while fighting you. Amajiki manifests wings and goes in the air.

"Oh two can play that game Suneater." you say shooting up in the air with you're fire wings. You land a kick to his face knocking him to the ground close to Mirio. You see Bubble Girl and Fat Gum stand there in fear. "It looks like I win."

"You will never win villain!" Bubble Girl says.

"Oh but I have! You see, I can kill you like I did Best Jeanist, take your quirk like I did with Eraserhead. I will take all of you out one by one..." you say as you walk around Tamaki and Mirio's passed out bodies, "or by making you lose your will to fight."

"You will never make me lose my will to fight (y/n). I will make you lose yours." Fat Gum says. You encase his body in ice.

"Your fat is what keeps you going. Stay in that ice long enough and all of it will be gone." you say as you turn to Bubble Girl, "You will be my easiest fight ever."

You sprint up to her and Punch her in the abdomen which knocks her into a near by building. You go over to Fat Gum who is shivering. You let the ice turn to water and see that he's lost a lot of fat. You smile and fight him by shooting ice blasts and making him lose more and more fat until all you see is his muscle. You're about to deliver a final blow when you feel tentacles wrap around your arms and wrists.

"Amajiki, thank god you're ok." Fat gum says. You start to laugh and the tentacles release.

"You should know by now that the only way I'm going to lose is if I die. And that isn't going to happen anytime soon." you say, "I'd take Mirio's advise of taking your experiences and turning them into power like I did, I've been through so much that you can't defeat me. The only reason why I fight you is because I'm bored." you turn to look at Fat Gum and Amajiki with a softer look on your face, "But you fit what a hero should be, someone who cares for people and doesn't place the blame on the innocent like my parents did, which was their fatal mistake." You make a portal to the hide out and and walk through into the hideout. The first person to notice you was Eri.

"(y/n)!" she says running up to you.

"Hey Eri."

"Can I go see Mr.Aizawa?" she asks. You sigh.

"I guess so, go get dressed." you say.

"Yay!" she says as she runs to her room and she comes out a few minuets later wearing a black shirt with yellow and white poka-dot skirt overalls and black shoes. You french braid her hair and put a yellow flower in her hair. You make a portal to the UA dormitories and you jam the signal preventing the alarms from going off. "I'll be out here."

"But don't you want to see Mr.Aizawa too?" she asks.

"Not really, we had a fight a few days ago so he doesn't want to see me. But tell him I said hi for me ok?" you say.

"Oh ok. I'll tell him you said hi." Eri says as she goes up to the door and knocks. You see Aizawa open the door.

"Eri!" he says as he hugs her, "Are you ok? Are you hurt?"

"No. I know you really think that (y/n) and the rest of the League is bad but they're not, they've been taking really good care of me and (y/n) and Papa are teaching me how to use my quirk!" she says excitedly.

"No sense in standing out here, come on in." he says. Everyone flocks to Eri and you peak through a window to see her smiling. She tells what the league is like.

"We're like one big family!" she says, "Shigaraki lets me play Mario Kart and Minecraft with him, Dabi makes me the grilled cheese ever, Kurogiri is teaching me how to make lemonade, (y/n) does my hair every day even if we aren't going anywhere, and Papa lets me practice what I've learned about my quirk on him."

"Is that all?" Midnight asks.

"No, there's so much more. That's just some of my favorite things." she says. You stand up and go to the 1-A dorms.

~3rd Person POV~

"How did you get here?" All Might asks.

"(y/n) brought me." Eri says

"Is she here?" Aizawa asks.

"Yea, but she told me that you dont want to see her because you got in a fight, but she told me to tell you that she says hi."

"Where is she?" Present Mic asks.

"She said she would be outside." Eri says as she sees (y/n) walk down the path to the other dorms.

(y/n) goes through the door that leads to the balcony to her old room and see that it's still empty. She goes through and sees everyone in the common room with a few people from the other classes playing monopoly. She sneaks into the kitchen to grab the box of her favorite tea and coffee and she left to go back to the teacher's dorms where Aizawa was standing on the porch with Eri.

"There she is!" Eri says running to (y/n). "What do you have?"

"My tea and coffee that I forgot to grab before I left." (y/n) says.

"Mr.Aizawa and the other teachers said that they wanted to talk to you." Eri said.

~Your POV~

"It's a trap." you think to yourself.

"I'll talk but I'll also keep my distance." you say walking with Eri.

"(y/n), it's good to see you again." Aizawa says.

"I'm not here to fight anyone, I'm here because she wanted to see you." you say.

"Come in." he says, "All we want to do is talk."

You look at him, skeptical.

"This is not a trap to get you turned in, it's about what you told Fat Gum earlier today." he says.


(y/n) isn't all that bad

BYE <3

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