Chapter 25 Your Mistake

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"Nuski where were you tonight I went to sleep and woke up and you wasn't there and why are you getting home so late for It's one In the morning I thought we both established you wasn't going to stay out no more!?!" Teyana said giving him a dirty look.

He made her so sick when she didn't need to be especially since she carrying his baby.

"Oh hey T I was helping Derrick and his girl move some stuff In their brand new home but everything good now I'm home to cuddle with you ain't that what you girls like anyway" Nuski said walking towards her to put his hands around her stomach to rub on her baby bump.

"Mm, what girl you mean to tell me he got a new chick already?" Teyana said making a face.

Teyana couldn't wrap her head around this mess how can anyone move on that quick with a complete stranger.

"Yeah cuzo didn't wait, you would think he would've waited at least an year or two or something to do this mess not no three months." Nuski said. 

"Three months what Is wrong with your cousin" Teyana says rolling her eyes.

"I have no Idea but I bet Chyna must feel some type of way about all of this shit going on right now" Nuski said jumping to Teyana's defense.

"She probably do I know If It was me I would be hurt too" Teyana said looking up at Nuski.

"Exactly anyway let's go too bed I'm tired, where's Bailie In bed too?" Nuski asked holding Teyana hand. 

"No my mom came and got her for the whole summer she wanted us to have a break so I guess It's just you and me gonna be here for a while" Teyana said looking at Nuski as he did this thing he likes to do with his face that Is so weird.

"Oh, really?" He said making this mean look with his lips poke out.

"Mhmm can you stop looking like that" Teyana says annoyed.

"Like what?"

"Like looking mean all the time why don't you never smile?" Teyana says messing with his dreads. 

"Do It look like I got something to smile about no." He say getting In his ways.

"Whatever. Let's go to bed I know how you get when you ain't had no sleep come on." Teyana says walking up the stairs. 

He followed her upstairs as they went up too there room and lay down next to each other Nuski cuddled with her like he promised.

"Did you talk to Keisha today?" Teyana asked him laying on his chest. 

"Here we go, can a man come home an get rest from a tiring day without you being In my business" He said getting frustrated.

"Just answer the question It would mean a lot." She says looking in his eyes.

"Ok yes I did but It was real short and sweet." He says.

"Well this so not surprising you know sometimes I think you make excuses for her all because she got raped every time you leave out the house you always run Into her and speaking of which Bailie told me that you saw her at a restaurant too are you serious you're taking our daughter around that bitch!" She says.

"TT!" He said shouting.

"Yes what?" She say.

"Just drop It ok besides that girl can't help the fact she's like that you don't know what the stuff she got to go through everyday after getting rape and shit what would you do If you was In her shoes huh?"  

"Don't justify her actions and let's not forget the fact she still likes you but you too blind to even see it"

"Teyana I'm not I'm just trying to get my point across, anyway I'm not trying to make you feel bad either all I'm saying Is the girl Is emotionally hurt." He says rubbing on her stomach.

"I know I'm done talking about this In a meantime I'm gonna start working on myself to change some things about me as well" She says.

"I know me too"

"Anyway goodnight" She says kissing him on the cheek then she placed her head back on his chest.




"Daddy!!!" Cheyenne said running Into her dad arms.

"Hey baby girl!" Derrick said walking In the house he notice Chyna eyes was wondering off she didn't want to call him but she knew the children wanted to see him.

Chyna walked out the room for a second too let them see him she was feeling butthurt about Derrick moving on so fast It was suppose to be her and Derrick forever.

She went In her bedroom to get her head on straight and to figure out what to wear to Zendaya's dinner thing, she got up out of bed when she heard noises In the other room where Derrick and the kids was at.

She came out the room and saw Cheyenne and Caden ran out the living room laughing and skipping In the other room for some reason.

"What's going on?" Chyna said looking around. 

"Oh I told them that we're taking a trip to Florida to Disneyland hope you fine with that" He says.

"Disneyland?" Chyna said folding her arms across her chest In frustration. "How the hell you going to plan a trip like that without telling me a thing like that Derrick!!"

"What are you frustrated for now you called me over here too spend some time with them and now you're once again tripping when I want to take them somewhere nice to get them out of Chicago, I knew I should've stayed home this was such a bad mistake!" Derrick says. 

"Yeah you should've stayed home Derrick go ahead and leave like you always do!!" Chyna said In the same breath.

Derrick just walked away but he didn't go nowhere he just gave her sometime to calm down first.

"I'm tired of you being bitter!" Derrick said going to get some fresh air.

"And I'm tired of everything you've put me through for five years!!! I loved you! this is how you do us? you don't know what I had to go through after we've broke up an this Is how you repay me by staying out of your kids lives for the past few months!!! all cause you wanted to Impress your new girlfriend!" Chyna spat.

"You got a lot of nerve when I just spent some money on this trip, If I didn't care I wouldn't showed up here to see them Be glad I'm not a dead beat and still come around whether we're together or not" Derrick said standing there.

"Excuse me?" Chyna said mean mugging.

"Look, can we stop arguing I hate doing that In front of the children" Derrick said annoyed.

"Well cleanup your mess and maybe we wouldn't have to argue every single day!" Chyna spat.

To Be Continue.....

What y'all think is going to happen?

Will Chyna let Derrick take the Kids with him to Florida?

Thoughts on Disneyland?

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