Chapter 23 In Due Time

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Chyna 3 Months Later

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3 Months Later

Chyna an her two children was on the way to there new home she had save some money up and bought a nice house In a nicer area with a bigger yard for them to play It was only an hour away from Chicago.

She decided to take anything for right now for her kids would've their own room and play she couldn't believe this home was her first place she ever lived In by herself.

"Mommy, why Isn't Hulu working!!!" Caden said sitting In the backseat on his iPad trying to get on Hulu to watch episodes of his favorite TV show.

"Well that's because we're not hooked up to our Wi-Fi connection you can't connect to the Internet on a iPad just yet you've to wait until we get home thank God we're almost there anyway Is your sister back there sleep?" Chyna said turning on their street.

"Yes she Is" Caden said looking back out the window.

"Oh ok good I can't believe she was crying cause she didn't want to leave" Chyna said shaking her head.

"She was sad" Caden said taking up for his sister.

"Yeah I know she was sad but I can't do anything about It we really had no choice I'm so sorry" Chyna says while driving and talking to her three year old.

Caden just nodded his head with the headphones on after that as It looked like he was hurt too he just knew he was gonna miss his old neighborhood and all of his friends It was already a lot on their plate.

"Are you okay? You don't look so good" Chyna says turning around to look at him.

"Yeah I guess I'm just t-tired" He says yawning touching his face.

"Okay just get some rest we're almost home" Chyna said still driving to get there It was a lot of turns she had to make before she get to the house.

Just then Caden shut his eyes an leaned his head back and he slept In the car.


Chyna drove on to the house It wasn't too much longer before she pulled up to the house In front of her she parked the car Into the driveway an got out to get the kids to take them on Inside before she got things out of her car.

Right when Chyna open the door the alarm came on she ran to It and punched In the code to make It stop going off.

The kids looked around wondering where they was they didn't run upstairs to play or nothing It was just quiet you didn't hear nothing out of them.

Anyway the movers had finally came and you guys won't believe who she got to help her move Derrick's two friends Reese and Dayvon for the heavy loads and Keisha and Zendaya for the small load.

Chyna just knew Reese and Dayvon was strong good movers cause they use to help a lot when every time Derrick needed them and Keisha and Zendaya just drag themselves along too.

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