" Not feeling it . But i like teasing you ."

She walked towards the door and i followed . I was just getting to the stairs when i heard Mason and Greg talking .

" Perfect i have an audience."

" Put it on ."

I held out a hoodie and i slipped it over her shoulders covering nothing .

I groaned and followed her downstairs.

She strutted into the living room and stood up on the table in front of the couch .

" Starting to feel myself again boys ."

Greg whistled and i shoved a pillow into his face . I moved to pick her up off the table but she stepped back .

" Ah ah ah , no touch ."

" Still pissed at him for Becca huh ?"

" Absolutely fucking seething ."

" Sit on Greg's lap and make Ace watch . Then you're even ."

I glared at Mason . He's my best friend but sometimes i really wanna kill him .

She looked like she was contemplating it . She turned around smirking at me .

She stepped down off the table and walked toward the couch where Greg was sitting .

" Actually no . I feel bad . Also i don't like being even it's fun when i'm mad at him ."

I let out a breath and followed her into the kitchen like a lost puppy .

She sat up on the counter on her phone while i made her a bagel .

I handed her the plate and started eating my bacon . She looked down at my plate .

She tore off a piece of her bagel and brought me to stand in between her legs by my 
t-shirt .

" Trade ?"

I ate the piece of bagel and held out the bacon . She moved forward to bite it but i moved it back . She grabbed it off me and ate it .

The doorbell rang and i saw Mason go answer it . One of the guards said a package was dropped off for me .

I took it and opened it . There was four maybe five pairs of matching lingerie.
Mason nearly choked and Greg was just staring at it .

" Ace red really isn't your colour ."

" It's obviously a mistake ."

Sophia hopped down from the counter and walked over taking the box .
I could feel my pants tightening after i realised .

" Whoops . I used your card to do some online shopping .Mason let's go i wanna try them on ."

Mason moved to follow her upstairs and i caught his hair .

" Seriously?"

sophia Where stories live. Discover now