14. shower

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Y/n pov

"Your mad I didn't buy you the tacos?" He leans over at me during his halftime. I shrug looking away.

"You were taking forever to get ready."

"Because you said to look nice."

"You always look nice though. You know that. I'll get them after."

"Then I'll speak to you after."

He rolls his eyes and just kisses my cheek as I sit on the bench. I try hiding my smile but he catches it.

He doesn't leave. And I look like a kid throwing a fit.

He places both his hands on the sides of my face and kisses me.

"You look beautiful when you smile. So stop with the mad face or I'll have to deal with you later." He whispers against my neck. So I continue with my mad face.

Wanting him to deal with me tonight.

He shakes his head and kisses my forehead before going back to his game. I sit on the benches alone. Usually I'd be here with my only other friend but she decided to ditch me and follow the group of girls who probably ruined my entire life. I get I made a huge mistake. But I was sixteen. And being naive. Other then that I've always been such a nice person. But being nice didn't get me anywhere. Other then being stepped on.

"Come on." He groans pulling me in to take a picture. I smile as he wraps his arm around my neck while holding that huge ass trophy in his other hand. Now they go to state.

The entire team is going crazy and you can tell how mad and lack of sportsmanship the other school has: they both played very well. It was a close game. But come on. It's mattia. I place my hands on the sides of his face and kiss him. Mattia places his free hand on my lower back and pulls me closer.

"Nice ass."

My brows furrow as I pull away and look behind me to a three guys laughing grin the other team.

"What did you say?" Mattia has a smile. He pushes the trophy into kairis chest. That hurts.

"Your bitch has a nice bangable body."

That is not—


He tries moving past me.

"They're just trying to provoke you. Don't." Alejandro says as his team slightly starts to crowd.

"I would never expect the star man to win a trophy to the schools porn star." I feel my heart stop as soon as those words come out of his mouth. But I'm used to it. But I don't think it feels good to be reminded of it for almost two years now.

I look out the field and see them. Those bitches with a smile.

"Mattia lets go it's fine." I don't think his day should be ruined now. For some reason I feel like that little group of five told them. Or they probably already did their research. I thought the videos and information were all down. But of course they'd still always have it just to black mail me.

I feel a large hand pull me aside and my eyes widen as mattia just starts throwing punches.

Alejandro's keeps me put and I know better then to try breaking it up.

"Can you stop him. Please?" I look at them.

"Is this really worth getting your title gone?" I stare at the group of boys.

"Your like our sister. I think any guy who has it in them to keep brining it up deserves their punishment. Just watch for a couple more hits."

And like that Robert has a huge smile and makes me watch mattia take all three of them. The second mattia seems to get weak Alejandro jumps in.

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