2. car.

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Mattia pov

I get into the car pissed off. Immediately starting the car as soon as she puts her seatbelt on.

Can't play for two games because some bitch kept provoking me during the game. I think I lost it as soon as he bring her up.

"Can you calm down." She stated placing her hand on my face and I remove it.

I can tell she's going to open her mouth so I interrupt her before she does.

"Shut up."

I think soccer is the only thing that manages to piss me off more then anything. Especially like this. It's senior year. There are scouts. I can't be fucking up.

"Don't talk to me like that." I know she's looking at me but I can't deal with her right now.

"Your being childish. Two games mattia. He was just trying to make you mad. And he succeeded because your horrible at controlling your anger. Nothing would have happened if you didn't shove him. And started throwing stupid punches. And bashing his head on the ground."

'Your bitch looks good in the stands.'

Her words mean nothing as his are overplaying in my head. Some people think I'm too aggressive with her. But that's our relationship. She doesn't get hurt by small things. We know where we stand. And I don't think others opinions matter ones bit

Her soft hand takes mine and puts it on her lap. We've been together since seventh grade. Same friend group. But never talked at first. Then just clicked. Only person who can keep me...not crazy? I don't know. Anger issues. She doesn't let people step over her. And I think I hate everyone but her.

I love her. I would never dare hurt her. Even if we had our times we needed breaks. Nothing happened where we actually need to break it off. I think we're the healthiest relationship. Especially for many years.

She finally shuts up.

"Can you look at me please." Her hand just caresses my arm.

She will always be the nurturing type. Even with such a harsh outer shell.

"Mattia ." She laughs. I hear her undo the seatbelt. And she slowly climbs over onto me.

"Talk to me."

"You do not want me to say what's on my mind." I let out.

"Will you be able to drive without rode raging?"

The smile on her face is teasing me. Her hands take mine and make me place them on her bare thighs.

"Nothing?" She presses her forhead against me.

"You did good almost killing him." She whispers and I try hiding my smile. But her smile immediately ales me let out mine.

"See. Stop being so...angry. You'll be back next week. It's just four day suspension and some court work."

My dads pissed.

Ive already had probation and house arrest. Worst time of my life. Toon stupid pills and therapy but it never works. Only her. But even my family doesn't want her with me. But they don't realize she's the only thing I'm holding onto.

She places her hands on the sides of my face and kisses me.

It's already dark from having to stay in the school and talk about what they have to do with me.

Her kisses are soft and gentle as her hips slowly move against me. Finally off her period.

"Why do you still get so jealous?"

mattia smuts 🖤Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum