
"At least with the Republic we knew where we stood," Tech pointed out as they neared the Marauder. "Tarkin and this Empire are a whole different story."

"Maybe it'll just take time," Abby shrugged, but didn't sound convinced herself.

"Why are we debating this? We need to complete the mission," Crosshair insisted.

"Wake up, Crosshair. They sent us to eliminate innocent civilians," Echo argued.

"Who said they're innocent," Cross tested.

"What's wrong with you?" Hunter finally burst out, rounding to glare at Crosshair, who snarled defensively.

"Me? I'm following orders!" he glowered.

"Exactly," Hunter growled.

"Those insurgents are plotting against the Emperor! If you don't have the stomach to do what needs to be done, then you aren't fit to lead this squad," Crosshair hissed before placing a toothpick between his teeth passive-aggressively.

'Since when did this turn to a test of the way Hunter leads us?' Abby puzzled.

Hunter's gaze hardened as the two stared at each other for a long moment, leaving the others to shift uncomfortably. Before anyone could try to intervene, a tree branch snapped from behind them and Hunter whipped out his blaster. Firing over Crosshair's shoulder, the sniper blinked in surprise as the sound of metal crashing down echoed around the forest clearing.

"We're being followed," the Sergeant declared as he approached the wreckage of whatever it was he had shot.

But not without purposely shoving Crosshair's shoulder as he passed. The others followed him, glaring at Crosshair as they passed him.

"That is a probe droid," Tech informed them once they reached the remnants of the machinery.

"Tarkin's spying on us now?" Wrecker asked in bewilderment.

"The Jedi never did that," Echo pointed out, mainly directed at Crosshair.

"Not that you know of," the sniper argued with a scowl.

"Omega," Hunter voiced in realization.

"What about her?" Echo inquired, trailing after Hunter as he marched back to the ship.

"She warned me about the mission. And Tarkin. She said not to return to Kamino; that it's not safe for us anymore."

"Maybe she's right," Wrecker rumbled as the Bad Batcher's reached the staircase of the ship.

"We're taking the word of a child now?" Crosshair scoffed.

"I would not discount Omega's insight," Tech chimed in. "A heightened state of awareness is not unusual for an enhanced clone such as herself."

'Enhanced clone?' Abby thought, confused.

"Good one, Tech! You almost had me!" Wrecker laughed, sitting on the Havoc Marauder's staircase; but Tech continued as if he had expected this.

"When Nala Se spoke of five clones, Tarkin assumed she meant us. But Echo is a reg. The fifth is Omega. I confirmed my suspicions when I analyzed her DNA while we were in the infirmary," Tech stated.

"And you waited until now to mention it!?" Echo demanded, completely bemused by the notion.

"Well, I thought it was obvious," Tech smirked to himself.

"How is it obvious!?" Wrecker exclaimed in exasperation.

"Well, she does have the same eyes as the rest of you. And general facial shape," Abby reminded them thoughtfully.

"We're going back for her," Hunter declared, interrupting the rising debate.

"Disobeying orders again over a kid? Bad play, Hunter," Crosshair snarled with obvious disdain.

Hunter shoved passed him up the stairs, but then sighed, turning to face his brother.

"She's one of us, we're not leaving her there," he insisted firmly.

By the death glares that everyone else gave the sniper, it was pretty clear that Hunter had the other four on his side. They marched inside the ship while Crosshair still stood glowering at the foot of the stairs. Noticing this Abby turned around too.

"Cross, come on. Please," she pleaded with a sigh.

Snarkily, he rolled his eyes, flicking away his toothpick. He complied though, dragging his feet up the steps begrudgingly. Whether he liked it or not, they would be returning to Kamino for a de facto rescue mission.

Once he was inside the ramp closed and the Havoc Marauder's engines turned on.  Abby turned to follow Tech into the cockpit, but she was stopped by Hunter placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Are you okay? You startled back at the camp," he questioned.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just...when he pointed the blaster at you..." she mumbled.

Her eyes went distant as she recalled the scene but Hunter squeezed her shoulders gently to ground her.

"I'm alright, don't worry. How about you get some rest before we get back to Kamino. We have a few hours," he suggested.

"Yeah, I will. Thanks, Hunter," she managed a smile.

"'Course, vod'ika," he chuckled.

"Just...keep an eye on Cross for me. And don't antagonize him, I think something's on his mind."

"I always have an eye on him; the same goes for the rest of you. But I agree, something isn't right. We'll get to the bottom of it though, even if it takes time," he assured her. "Now go rest some. You look ready to pass out."

Truthfully she felt ready to pass out. So Abby nodded and made her way to her bedroom.  After stripping off every plate of armor, she collapsed onto her soft mattress and peacefully dozed off.  

The last peaceful rest she would have for a long time.

"Harmless" Adventures with the Bad Batchजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें