Why Does He Hate Me ❤️

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It's been 4 months and Nicole hadn't talks to her family except for Brianna, JJ and Nanna ! Her mom still wanted nothing to do with her and her dad less ! Johns parents have checked up on them sometimes but not often Nicole feels as if Carol has changed her attitude towards her ! Before she adored Nicole and now she looks at her like if she hates her and John tells her she's privacy still mad which is understandable but she didn't need that from them when she had enough from her own parents ! She's seen her friends people still can't believe she's pregnant and that they are living on their own ! They have been doing pretty good with paying their bills on time and getting things done for the baby ! They have already set up a nursery the only thing that's missing is a crib for the baby they hadn't had enough money to buy one because it seems juke every time they want to jump in and buy one something goes wrong ! First it rad the car that needed new tired ! After that it was the plumbing in there house was bad so they needed someone to fix it ! Then it was the car again and it needed a tube up an oil change and the brakes ! As well !

So they decided to put off buying it for while being that they wouldn't need it for about 5 months and if worse came to worse they would just have to sleep with the baby in bed with them !

One day Nicole was home alone when there was a knock on the door she didn't know who would come see her right now she went to open and when she saw her dad she was a little happy to see him !

Nikki: Hi dad !
ND: Nicole we need to talk !
Nikki: Come in !

He came in and saw how nice her house was !!

Nikki: What is it ?
ND: I am here to tell you that you if you agree with me today I wiki pay for you to get an abortion and I'll pay for you to finish school in Paris at a boarding school !
Nikki: What ?
ND: Nicole your only 15 how could you possibly be happy having a baby !
Nikki: I...
ND: No we can plan this out perfect you will go get your abortion I will tell John you had a miscarriage and that you wanted nothing more to do with him since you were only with him because you felt obligated by the baby !
Nikki: I....
ND: Don't think Nicole just say yes and we can go right now ! Come on !!

He said getting up and she did you !

Nikki: Get out of my house !
ND: What ?
Nikki: Get out of my house I can't believe you expect me to kill my baby ! I love my baby and I love John pregnant or not I would still be with him !
ND: Don't throw away your life for a boy who isn't worth it and a kid who will only bring you problem !
Nikki: I don't care because to me John is worth it ! And that kid is my baby ! I will love him or her with all their flaws and I don't care how much problems I have because it will all be worth it to have him or her tell me they love me ! It will all be worth it ! I will be a good mother and hopefully someday an amazing wife to John !
ND: If you do this you can forget about me being your father !
Nikki: I already have now if you will please leave my house I have to go to work !

Her dad just looked mad at her and walked away !

Nicole fell back onto the couch and began to cry !!

At school John was walking to lunch when his phone went off !!

John: Hello !
Nanna: Hey John where are you ?
John: School why ?
Nanna: Is Nicole okay she called in sick with Mrs. Thomson so she assumed you stayed home to take care of her !!
John: No when I was with her she was just fine she told me she was going to start preparing dinner then going to work !
Nanna: Oh well do you want me to go check on her ?
John: No it's fine I'll go home !
Nanna: You sure ?
John: Yeah thanks Nanna I'll call you later !

As he walked out he ran into Brie !

Brie: Hey aren't you going to lunch ?
John: I have to check on Nicole !!
Brie: What's wrong ?
John: I don't know ! She called in sick ! But this morning she was fine !!
Brie: I'll go with you !
John: Okay !

They got in their cars and drove to their house !!

They walked in and going Nikki crying on the couch holding a picture of her and her dad !

John: Baby what's wrong ?
Brie: Coco why are you crying ??
Nikki: Why does dad hate me ?
John: What happened ?
Nikki: He came over to tell me that he wanted me to get an abortion and to tell you that I had a miscarriage and that I was only with you because I felt obligated !
Brie: Do you ?
Nikki: No ! I would be with John with or without the baby !
John: I love you pregnant or not I would be with you too !
Nikki: He told me that if I didn't do what he wanted he could forget I had a father !
Brie: Oh Coco I'm sorry !

Nikki just cried into Johns arms

John: It's okay baby I love you ! He doesn't deserve you as a daughter !!
Nikki: It just hurts why is he so mean ! Why would he what to kill my baby ?
Brie: He thinks you're too young that you don't know what you're doing !
Nikki: I don't care ! I have to deal with my mistakes ! My baby will be loved !

Nicole kept hugging John and when it was time to go Nicole stayed with Brie !

Days later John and Nicole where at the OBGYN to find out the sex of their baby !

Dr: Okay so Nicole it looks like you're having a boy !

Johns eyes lit up knowing that his first born child would be a boy.......

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