Make Her Mine ❤️

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The next day at school John was very excited to see Nikki he even bought her a pink rose ! He wanted to show her how much he really liked her even though they just met and a pink rose meant sweetness and elegance and poetic romance where a red rose means passion and love he didn't want to scare her off so quick so he went with the pink one ! When he got to school he went to his locker got what he needed for his next two classes then went to go look for Nikki ! Lucky for him by the time he got there she was already there looking through some of her papers making sure she had what she needed for the day ! He passed by her and stood behind her ! He then grabbed then put the rose in front of her face !

She smiled and took it from him then turned around !!

Her smile became even bigger when she day it was John !

Nikki: You're so sweet !
John: No as sweet as your smile but I'll take it !

Nikki blushed and turned around to get her bag and closer her locker !

Nikki: I love roses their the best flower !
John: I know that's why I got it for you !

He took her books and walked her to class ! They went in and sat together waiting for everyone else to come in ! When David came in he saw them talking and laughing then he saw the rose that Nikki had ! So he went up to them !

David: Hey Nicole you look very nice today !
Nikki: Um.. Thanks !

She gave him a small smile then turned back to John !

Nikki: So they have that old arcade back ?
John: Yeah me and my friends petitioned for them to bring it back and they did !
Nikki: Omg I have to go I love that place me and my grandfather use to go all the time when me and my sister were younger and we would get on the marry go round and I'd sit on the pink horse and pretend that I was a princess going to find my prince !
David: Why don't you tell your grandfather to take you ?
Nikki: He passed away 8 months ago !

She said as she looked down ! David felt like an idiot he didn't mean to make her sad !

John grabbed her hand and she looked at him !

Nikki: Would you mind if went there for our date ? I just love that place and being there will bring me wonderful memories !
John: Sure ! And instead of finding your prince I'll be right in front of you !

Nikki smiled and she kissed his cheek !

Nikki: Thanks ! Now I'll see you in health I'm going to see if I can get one class with my sister !
John: Okay I'll save you a spot !

Nikki nodded and got up and left !

They watched her leave and that's when David went off on John !

David: You're supposed to let me ask her out too !
John: I'm not stopping you am I ? Actually your making this way too easy !
David: That's because she hasn't been alone with me !
John: Well she's out in the hallway walking alone why don't you go ?

David nodding he went out and found Nicole talking on the phone !

Nikki: I know I miss you too ! Yeah okay I will and yes don't worry I will ! I'll call you tonight okay ?
???: Okay I love you sweetie !
Nikki: I love you too bye !

She hangs up and walks away David walked back into class with a huge smile on his face !

John: That fast !

He said sounding concerned !

David: No but looks like you have some competition she probably has a bf back in San Diego !
John: Why ?
David: I heard her talking all lovey and cute on the phone with someone !

John became sad when the bell rang he went to class and saw Nicole sitting down smiling down at the rose she went up to her and decided to ask her about it !

John: Hey can I ask you something ?
Nikki: Yeah !
John: Do you have a bf back in San Diego ?
Nikki: No why would you ask that ?
John: David heard you saying I love you to someone over the phone !
Nikki: Yeah my dad ! He called to tell me he was going to be here next week and to tell me to tell my sister and my mom so they know and then he said he loves me and of course I'm going to tell my dad I love him !

She said with a smile !

John: Oh okay !
Nikki: Your cute !
John: How so !

He said with smirk !

Nikki: You thought you had competition !
John: Well I don't think I could compete with some beach blonde guy !
Nikki: What makes you think that's my type ?
John: Look at me I could pass off as one yet I'm not the original thing !

She smiled and got closer to him !

Nikki: Well you want to know something ?
John: What ?
Nikki: You're the first guy that I will date !
John: Really ?
Nikki: Yeah my mom thought we were too young to date and when you asked me she said the same thing but I convinced her to let me and she said yes !
John: Oh so you fought for me !
Nikki: You could say that !

She smirked and turned to face the teacher who was now beginning the class !

After an hour there was 20 minutes left of class and she had given the class free time !

John: So tonight I can't some family dinner but tomorrow night ?
Nikki: Yeah besides my curfew Monday through Thursday is from 8 to 10 and Friday through Sunday I it's from 8 to midnight ! With the exception of holidays and stuff !
John: Alright now what if David asked you out ?
Nikki: I'd probably agree to one date but hope something serious happens with someone else !

She said as she smiled at him !!

John: Oh don't worry I'll make it happen !

He said as he slowly leaned in.....................

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