Johns Parents ❤️

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After spending the rest if the afternoon with Nanna, Nicole and John drove to Johns house ! Nicole was very nervous she was afraid of what they would do to him, her own mother kicked her out of her house now they had to tell his parents and her dad which was something that scared get so much she didn't know what to expect !

As they pulled up they saw that his parents weren't home except his two brothers ! They went in and sat in the couch !

Sean: Hey what's up !
John: Do you know when mom and dad will be back ?
Matt: Like an hour or so !

Nikki started shaking and she looked his brothers and broke down again !

John: It's okay Nicole everything you will be okay !
Matt: Whats wrong ?
Sean: Why is Nicole crying ?
John: We have to talk to mom and dad because she's Umm....
Nikki: I'm pregnant !

Matt and Sean just sat there looking at how John hugged Nicole who was scared to death of what his parents might do !

Sean: Oh wow !
John: Yeah !
Matt: Yeah are you guys keeping it ?
John: Of course !

He said kind of mad !

Sean: Okay don't need to get mad by the way mom and dad are here !

He said as he pointed out to the car pulling up !

Nikki took a deep breathe and she sat closer to John !

Matt: Good luck !

He said as he both got up and left !

Johns parents walked in and went over to John and Nicole !

JD: Hey kids what's up ?
John: Uh well we have to talk to you !
Carol: What's wrong are you okay ?
John: Yeah I'm fine !
JD: Then what ?
Nikki: I just want to say I'm so sorry !
Carol: For what sweetie ?
John: Mom,dad Nicole's pregnant !

John looked at his parents and both their faces were pale !

JD: You're pregnant ?

Nikki just nodded !

Carol: How many months ?
John: One !
Carol: Are you guys keeping it ?
Nikki: Yes I wouldn't kill an innocent child !
John: And I will not allow my baby to be adopted !
JD: Well we support you !
Carol: But...
John: But what ?
JD: You can't live here ! And you won't get any money from us !
John: Mom you can't do this to us !
Carol: I'm sorry but it's for your own good !
Nikki: They have a point John !
JD: We will be here for you in case of an emergency but other than that we won't help !
John: I understand !
Nikki: We will go now !
Carol: Where are you staying ?
Nikki: Right now with my Nanna then we're going to find a place to stay !
JD: Good luck !

They nodded and headed to his room !

Nikki: At least she didn't yell at me like my mom !
John: But still their not helping !
Nikki: Like you said it's us against the world !

He smiled and he kissed her !

John: I love you !
Nikki: I love you too......

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