Please Dont ❤️

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John and Nicole had kept quite about her being pregnant for a month they didn't know what would happen when they told their families but they both knew none of them would be happy about it ! Who would be to know that their son of only 16 would be a father and their daughter of only 15 would be a mother ! Nicole feared what her dad would do to John she knew he would probably hurt him that's why they have been holding off for a month to tell everyone but they couldn't keep it in any longer !

It's was Monday afternoon when John and Nicole decided to tell her mom first ! Since her dad was out of town they thought maybe she would be easier !

When Kathy walked in Nicole asked her to meet her out back in the yard to take and Kathy could sense Nicole was very nervous and scared !

Nikki: Mom I need to tell you something but before I do please don't hate me or be mad !
Kathy: Nicole what's wrong ?

Nikki broke down before she could say anything !

Kathy: Nicole your scaring me what happened ?
Nikki: Mom I'm pregnant !

When she said that Nicole's mom was shocked she couldn't believe that her daughter her baby of only 15 was going to have a baby of her own !

Kathy: How far along ?
Nikki: A month !
Kathy: Pack your bags ! I don't want to see you !
John: Mrs. Colace !
Kathy: No you don't even talk and I hope your parents don't kick you out ! You are now responsible for my daughter and that thing growing inside of her !
Nikki: It's not a thing mom it's a baby ! My baby !

She said as she cried and held her stomach !

Kathy: Look Nicole you can either have that kid and tough it out on your own ! Or we can handle it !
John: What do you mean handle it ?
Kathy: You can either abort that baby or give it up for adoption !
Nikki: I'm not going to kill an innocent child ! And I won't give my baby up ! Just because you don't support us !
Kathy: I hope his parents do because you know your father won't ! And if they don't either have fun trying to find a place to live ! You have until tomorrow to get out of my house !
Nikki: Mom please don't do this to me !
Kathy: I'm sorry Nicole but if you thought you were responsible enough to go out and have sex then your responsible enough to to deal with this on your own ! Now get to packing I don't know why though nothing will fit you in a few months ! Have fun trying to buy maternity clothes with no money because your not getting a dime out of me !

She said as she walked away and Nicole cried into Johns arms !

JJ and Brie had heard the entire conversation they felt bad so while Nicole and John were getting her stuff JJ was trying to convince their mom not to do this to her but Brie she had other plans !

JJ: Mom please don't do this to them yes their young and stupid but really leaving your daughter out on the streets !
Kathy: You know what JJ this is nothing that concerns you ! She's Johns responsibly now not mine now leave me alone I'm busy !

JJ just nodded and left ! When she was alone Kathy broke down in tears and asked her self am I doing the right thing and where did I go wrong ? She didn't know how she could possibly have a 15 year old daughter pregnant by her boyfriend she wondered how she let this happen she couldn't believe she hadn't been more careful with her !

Upstairs !

Brie had gathered up all of he loose money she could find around the house from ash trays to counter money ! And took some out of the family safe !

Brie: I'm so sorry she's doing this to you !
Nikki: It's okay it's not your fault !
John: It's mine !
Nikki: No it's not John we both did this I'm not letting you take the blame for this !

He just nodded and kissed the top of her head !

Brie: Here !

She said handing her the envelope !

John: What is it ?
Brie: It's some money ! And you have to take it I won't let you go out alone without it !
Nikki: Thanks Breezy !
Brie: No problem Coco ! Call me when you get to wherever it is you guys are going and I'll go see you !
Nikki: Really ?
Brie: Yeah you have my niece or nephew in there I'm not going to miss your baby growing in you and being born !

Nikki hugged her sister and she told her she loved her ! Brie hugged John and watched as JJ and John took her stuff downstairs when they were done Nicole hugged JJ and Brie goodbye ! Her mom watching her leave made her sad but she knew she had to learn her lesson !

John: Now my parents ?
Nikki: Let's go with my Nanna first ! After all if your parents kick you out too we will need a place to stay and I think Nanna will help us !
John: Yeah you're probably right !

Nikki smiled and kissed him !

Nikki: What if your parents do kick you out ?
John: Then I will figure it out ! I already have a job all I need is to find us a decent place to live where we can raise our baby together !
Nikki: Why do I feel like the whole world is now against us !
John: Because they probably are ! But it's us against the world !

Nikki smiled as he drove off to her grandmother house !

When they got there they went in and hugged Nicole's Nanna !

Nanna: What brings you here darling ?
Nikki: We'll Nanna mom kind of kicked me out !
Nanna: What why ?
Nikki: I'm one month pregnant and she wants nothing to do with me !

She sat we she continued to cry !

Nanna: Oh sweetie !

She said as she hugged her !

Nikki: You're not mad ?
Nanna: Like if you were the first teenager to get pregnant !
Nikki: Thank you Nanna !
Nanna: No problem sweetie what about you John did you tell your parents yet ?
John: No we wanted to make sure Nicole had a place to stay in case my parents kick me out too !
Nikki: Wait where would you stay ?
John: For a little with Bryan and then I'll try to find a place for us !
Nanna: Non sense you will stay here with Nicole ! I may not like that you got her pregnant but you did and there's nothing we can do so you have to take care of her and you can't do that being far from her !

John smiled and hugged her !

John: Thank you Nanna !
Nanna: No problem so tell me have you thought about what's going to happen when the baby is born ?
Nikki: No I've been too busy thinking what mom and dad would do ! I saw mom now I have to tell dad !
Nanna: Hopefully he will be okay !
Nikki: Yeah !
John: Okay we'll now it's my parents !
Nikki: Okay let's go !
Nanna: Good luck.................

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