20| you look good together. odd, but good

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This is the last chapterrr. Also, this was the first MCU fanfic I wrote so if you could vote on all the chapters & leave some comments that would be pretty swag <3


"What happened?" Steve asked Briar as she stomped inside, soaked wet. She took off her coat and shuddered as the cold air made contact with her wet skin.

"James Buchanan Barnes happened," she muttered. Steve followed her into her room and asked her for an explanation as she used a towel to get dry.

"He left me waiting at the gym where he taught me how to defend myself for 2 fucking hours."

Steve ignored her word usage and pressed on. "Did he tell you he was going to be late?"

"NO! And he promised he wouldn't leave me waiting this time. Then, I had to walk home in the pouring rain," she scowled.

"Oh," Steve replied.

"Do you know where he is?" Briar looked up at him, pointing at him with an accusing finger.

"What- no!" Steve denied- too quickly.

"So you do know where he is," Briar murmured, loud enough for him to hear her.

"I just said I don't know where Bucky is," Steve rambled on, turning bright red.

Briar laughed. "Oh, if America could see the mighty Captain America now," she whistled.

He grimaced.

"You better tell me where he is or I swear I will burn your suit on fire," Briar came up with a threat last minute but was pleased to see that it worked.

Steve cleared his throat and tried to stall. He knew Briar could be scary when she wanted to and just because he was Captain America, didn't mean she would go easy on him.


"Don't lie and stop stalling," Briar fumed.

"Er- fine," Steve caved in. "He's at a dance nearby-"

"With who?"

"I was getting there! I don't know her name, though."


"Er- yes."

"Goddamnit, Barnes," she stormed off.

Steve started to follow after her but stopped when she made a rude gesture, indicating she wanted to be alone.


The rain slowed down but Briar still managed to get a little wet once she was inside. She knew there would be a dance nearby tonight but thought Bucky would miss it for their training. She groaned as she realized she wasn't wearing any fancy clothing. Her boots were muddy and her shirt was stained with ink- she had an accident with her pen earlier at work. She ignored the strange stares from the dressed-up, elegant ladies and scanned the room for Bucky.

There he was, dancing with her co-worker, Sophia Cayles. She was laughing at something he said and he seemed to look at ease. Briar pushed through crowds to get to them.

She stopped walking once she saw Bucky glance at the time and wince. He probably realized what he was supposed to be doing at this time.

Sophia didn't notice his nervousness and pulled him closer, whispering something in his ear. Briar clenched her fist and imagined her fist meeting Sophia's face, blood gushing down her perfectly structured, symmetrical face.

brainwashed & controlled| bucky barnes [mcu fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now