11| tattoo.

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"Are you sure?" Bucky asked Briar once more to make sure she was really okay with their idea.

"Yes," she assured him and rolled up her sleeve.

"It's going to hurt," he warned her.

"I can take the pain," she promised him.

"Buck?" he asked just to make sure.


He rolled up his own sleeve and marvelled at Briar's last name on his wrist.

"I feel bad for your future husband and wife," Steve remarked.

"Why?" Bucky asked.

"They'll have to deal with the both of you. I think you two will see each other more than them, anyway."

Bucky laughed but the thought of them getting married to separate people didn't cheer him up. He was sure they would drift- and he couldn't bare for that to happen.

"Who said I'm getting married?" Briar scoffed. She had other arrangements planned for herself.

"What happened to marrying rich?" Bucky smirked.

"That was little me's dream. New me's dream is to be independent and get rich on my own," she winked at him.


"Before you try to kill me," Bucky motioned at the glass between him and Briar. "Just know this glass is indestructible so it's impossible to break it."

"Watch me," Briar used her powers to summon a chair and launched it at the glass. Not even a crack appeared.

Briar growled in anger as Bucky bit back a smirk.

"Bree, please," his tone softened. He needed his best friend back. He needed her.

"It's Lennox," she replied the same as last time.

"It's me, Bucky- your Buck," he showed her the tattoo. Briar flinched back as she eyed the similar font. She looked at her left wrist.


"Who are you?"

"I'm your best friend," he replied.

Briar blinked and looked at the security camera in the top corner of the room. "What do you want?"

"For you to be back to normal. This isn't you, Bree. It's HYDRA controlling you," he informed her, softly.

Briar licked her lips. She was hearing one thing but her mind... wasn't helping her. Her gut told her whatever Bucky was saying was true but her mind... not so much.

"How do I know if you're telling the truth?" she asked, holding on to the wall to keep from falling. Her breathing was getting hard to control and the room felt like it was spinning. She caught her reflection on the glass and her eyes- which were glowing red- stared back at her. She was used to it.

Bucky, however, was not.

He started panicking, terrified of whatever was happening with Briar. He needed to save her.

From herself and HYDRA.

"Bree, I'm coming," he decided and barged inside, despite the warnings coming from Hill. Briar stepped back as Bucky faced her.

She had her chance- to knock him out and fly back to HYDRA with his body.

But she decided not to.

brainwashed & controlled| bucky barnes [mcu fanfiction]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن