1| awake.

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pls, vote, like, review, comment, etc.

Excuse my grammar mistakes- I might have a few. I tried to edit thoroughly but I might've missed a few.

I love u, dolls.



"BUC-" Briar Dixon yelled for her best friend but before her voice could carry over to his apartment which was right next door, a mask was strapped tightly over her mouth. She couldn't make a noise. On top of that, her eyes were blocked from seeing anything which made her feel vulnerable.

Even worse, bombs and guns were going off in the city, making it impossible to be heard. Briar's kidnappers had chosen the perfect timing to successfully take her.

"Hush- don't say a damn thing," a robotic voice warned her. It masked the actual voice of her kidnapper. Briar tried using the fighting skills that Bucky had taught her secretly without Steve's knowledge, but the person carrying her out the window knew all her defense tactics. Once her struggling and kicking got too much for them, they injected her with a serum and she slumped down. They caught her head with their foot before it hit the ground, causing a thumping noise.

"Now," her kidnapper said, looking at her laying down with a malicious smirk.

"Target acquired."


"Someone- it's time to check on her!" a voice barked orders around a team full of HYDRA members. A young female wearing a lab coat nervously walked inside the lab where Briar Dixon was confined. The organization knew she had been sleeping for a full 50 years when the experiment went terribly wrong. Of course, the lady didn't know that (she had only been working there for a few years). Besides, she had only joined HYDRA to get out of being a pharmacist. Plus, the pay was better.

Therefore, she had no idea what she was in for.

"Hello?" her voice cracked as she entered inside, ready to take notes on her experiment. She was expecting the same thing as always- no movement from the subject whatsoever. She started writing the same notes down but something had interrupted her.

She froze as she made eye contact with Briar Dixon who was fully wide awake with her jaw clenched as she stared back. Her normally dark brown eyes were glowing a radiant unusual blue.

"Sir?" the lady called for her boss but it was too late.

Briar had risen from her bed and raised one hand. Sparks flew and she aimed directly at the blonde in front of her. The lady cowered in fear and tried to hide behind a chair but Briar was able to hit her with one move. However, Brair's new powers didn't do what she expected or wanted them to do.

Instead of blasting energy at her, they pushed the blonde right into a wall.

"Stop her!" Baron Strucker had barged in with some men in uniforms who were all heavily armed. They had managed to pin Briar on her bed, all tied up. She jerked around trying to get free while they swore in Russian and held her down tighter.

She was injected with something and felt her eyes go suddenly droopy. Her hands- which were struggling for escape- slumped down on the bed, ready for a decade of rest.

brainwashed & controlled| bucky barnes [mcu fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now