7| surprise.

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"BRIAR GET BACK HERE," Bucky yelled as he saw what Briar was up to. She quickly got to her feet and ran out of his room.

Briar found Steve in the kitchen and hid behind him as Bucky stormed out of his room.

"Where is she?" he scowled at Steve. Steve debated whether or not he wanted to know what the problem was in his head.

He sighed and stepped out of view, revealing a mischievous Briar. She had chocolate smeared on her lips and grinned at Steve as she licked her fingers clean.

"Those were for Caroline," Bucky whined and Briar's grin faltered.

"Fuck Caroline," she shrugged and popped another chocolate mini heart in her mouth. She tossed one to Steve who caught it and popped it in his mouth too.

"That's what I was planning on doing," Bucky whined. Briar didn't feel like eating chocolates anymore but she shoved some more in her mouth, anyway (mostly to annoy Bucky).

"I hate you sometimes," Bucky growled as he watched her.

"Funny, because I do too."


"What do you want from me?" Maisey Jones hissed at Sydd who was in front of her. Sydd tilted her head to the side and smirked dangerously at the SHIELD agent all tied up in front of her.

"We want some information."

"I'm not telling you shit," Maisey spat.

Sydd laughed- an evil laugh so it was more of a cackle. Maisey narrowed her eyes at her and balled her fists in annoyance.

"Oh, but you will," she said and snapped her fingers. 2 HYDRA workers strolled over carrying a machine. It had a plug with a suction cup injected to it. Maisey was going to be the first human subject they would use it on.

"What the bloody hell is that?" Maisey shuddered as they put the suction part of it on her forehead. She gave up on getting free from the rope. It was too tight, plus, she was unarmed and wouldn't escape alive.

"It's something we've been working on," the scientist working the machine informed her in a thick German accent. "You are the first human we'll use this on."

The younger scientist clicked a button. It was the biggest one and it was red- obviously indicating it wouldn't do any good.

"She knows something," he said, looking at Maisey's heartbeat levels. She was lying with ease but her heartbeat told everyone differently.

"Where is it? Where's that serum?" Sydd glared hard at Maisey.

"I told you- I don't know what you're talking about."

The machine beeped loudly. "Negative- she knows something," the German scientist declared.

"Piss off, Nazi," Maisey gritted her teeth.

"I'm sorry."

Everyone whirled around to see who had just walked in.

Briar was leaning on the door. "I thought the war was over," she added with a head tilt.

Sydd and the two scientists exchanged a panicked glance. They thought she was breaking free from their control.

"Or is it?" Briar pursed her lips as she walked toward Maisey. She laughed bitterly as she fingered her dagger.

The HYDRA scientists and Sydd let out the breath they had been holding.

"I'm not telling you shit," Maisey said for the hundredth time.

brainwashed & controlled| bucky barnes [mcu fanfiction]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ