13| control.

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"I want to help," Briar said, seriously, with her hands on her hips. Her eyes narrowed as she locked eyes with Bucky. Bucky hesitated and looked at the fallen soldiers on the ground. He knew Briar wouldn't leave without a fight.

"Okay, help with the bullet wounds," he nodded toward a soldier who was groaning in pain as he clutched his injured leg. Briar ran toward him with her medical supplies. She quickly started cleaning his wound out.

"James!" one of the authorities called his name. Bucky didn't want to leave Briar alone but nonetheless, he followed after the general.

"It's going to hurt but don't worry, you'll live," Briar informed the hurt soldier. She couldn't come up with comforting words. That was usually Steve's job.

She dug out the bullet which was deep in his leg. He clutched Briar's arm and squeezed it as she pulled out the bullet. He left nail prints on her skin but she didn't care. She still had 15 heavily injured soldiers to tend to.

"Thank you for your service," she told him in a soft voice.

She started to make her way to the next soldier but someone gently tugged her wrist. She turned around and saw Bucky.

"Buck," she acknowledged him.

"I need you to draw some of my blood," he got to the point. Briar opened her mouth to speak but Bucky gently tugged her in his direction, leading her to the captain.

"Sir," Briar looked at him, groaning in pain. "He's losing a lot of blood," she added, looking at the blood spilling from him.

"Exactly- and we have the same blood type," Bucky urged her and laid down on the bed next to the captain. A few hollers from soliders nearby distracted her for a second. She felt her mind going hazy. She felt unprepared but Bucky's reassurance comforted her.

He handed her a clean needle and syringe.

Briar blinked and started to argue that he shouldn't be doing this but he interrupted her.

"Save the lecture for later, Bree. We need to save him and I know you don't want to lose the captain to your decision on your consciousness."

Briar knew he was right. She rolled up his sleeve and dug out the other tools she would need from the bag nearby.

"I don't want to hurt you," she murmured as the needle neared his bare skin.

"You could never hurt me."


"Now, here's the deal," Sam started the interrogation off with a firm voice. Roy's eyes widened for a quick second, full of panic, but narrowed as they settled on Briar.

She felt chills forming on her skin and looked away. Bucky was sitting down, playing with his hands but was listening intensely. Sharon and Hill were tracking down HYDRA from Hill's tablet. Fury was spam-calling Hill from the hospital but she ignored it, not wanting to get his stress levels high.

"You tell us everything you know about HYDRA and we'll make sure your prison sentence isn't as long," Sam continued. He nodded at Briar who sighed but walked toward Roy.

She yanked the gag which prevented Roy from making loud sounds. He started sputtering and coughing. Briar sat next to Bucky.

"You sure he'll be of help to us?" she whispered to him. He looked at her and bit his lip.

He wasn't thinking about Roy or HYDRA. His mind was occupied with Briar and her powers- and how HYDRA had managed to take over her mind. He wanted to help her. He needed the old Briar back. Everything felt so distant to him. Briar was finally back.

brainwashed & controlled| bucky barnes [mcu fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now