16| if you dare to even look at her, i swear i'll let her cut your-

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Apparently, nobody understood.

"Fury? What's he going to do?" Sam cocked his head to the side.

"He said he had a plan. He sent me a message in morse code the minute he got out. I didn't have time to write back because we got... interrupted," Hill elaborated.

"By the stupid government," Bucky muttered under his breath, bitterly.

"We're here," Briar interrupted before anyone could reply. She safely landed everyone else and almost fell once she hit the ground from a sudden hazy feeling.

"Everything alright?" Hill looked at her.

Bucky, who had rescued her, gave Briar the same puzzled expression. She shot him a look- and he read her mind.

"She just used her powers a lot," he explained. "The more she uses them, the more they drain out her energy. It's because she's not used to them and hasn't had the right training."

Briar nodded and sucked in fresh air.

"Will you be alright?" Sam asked her.

"Yeah," Briar nodded. She wished for some water and food but didn't say it out loud.

"Good," a voice said and its carrier stepped out from the shadows. "Because you'll need all the energy that you have."

Nick Fury looked at Hill, Sam, Sharon, and Bucky. When his eyes met Briar's she felt a heave of memories overcame her.

Neither good.


Fury led them to an old house nearby. Its neighbors were quiet, their lights were off. He opened the front door easily and let everyone else go in first. Briar quickly stepped inside, not wanting to look straight in his cold eye again. Fury looked everywhere to make sure they weren't being followed before closing the door.

"Help yourself," he gestured to the junk food and alcohol set on the table.

Briar helped herself to some Doritos and filled half a cup of ice, cold water. Bucky took a bag of chips and a bottle of beer, grabbing a seat next to her.

"I found the assassin who poisoned the party," Fury started. Briar's face flushed.

She had a feeling she knew too.

"Dixon, you did pretty well," Fury said, full of truth. "Better than the other contenders who tried to kill me."

She bit her lip, unsure where this conversation was headed.

"She didn't mean to," Bucky spoke up.

"I never said she did," Fury glimpsed at him.

Bucky pursed his lips and chose not to answer.

"You said you had a plan," Hill reminded him. Everyone took a second to process the fact that for once, Fury hadn't revealed any information to Hill before announcing it to anyone else.

"I do."

"What is it?" Briar pressed, tilting her head to the side.


"Would you like to dance?" Chase, one of Briar's co-workers, offered her his hand with a cheesy grin.

She took a long look at it. "No." She shot him a sly smile, hinting she might've been teasing him.

Bucky, who was nearby at the bar, narrowed his eyes at Chase.

"Oh, come on," Chase chuckled, playing along. "Lower your standards a little- I just did."

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