12| still a nightmare, you are. a stunning nightmare.

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"Itchy sweater!"

"Wobbly table!"

"Crying baby on a plane," Briar shot back as she glared daggers at Bucky.

"You're such an unnecessary movie sequel," he fired back, not standing down.

Steve, who had just walked in, regretted introducing Bucky and Briar. Basically, he regretted his life choices.

"Me?" Briar scowled. "You're such an easy bake oven!"

Bucky, who didn't know what an easy bake oven was, racked his brain for more insults. Briar crossed her arms with a slight smirk on her face.

"You're such an expired coupon," Bucky scowled back.

"I already used that, dumbass."

"Well, you're a squeaky grocery cart."

"You already used that on me. Twice," she scoffed and examined her nails.

"That's just how annoying you are," he scoffed back.

Briar gave him the finger and strutted away from him. Steve noticed her wearing his sweater that was way too big on her. She was tall but the sweater made it seem different.

"Do I even want to know?" Steve asked before she left.

"He left his clothes in my room, therefore, they're instantly mine. I'm sorry, I don't make the rules," she huffed, dramatically, and left.


"No!" Briar woke up with sweat drops on her forehead. She gasped and gulped in big amounts of air. Bucky, who was talking to Sharon on the balcony, heard Briar and immediately ran inside. Briar's eyes were glowing red but he didn't care. He scooped her in for a tight hug and held her while she caught her breath.

"It's going to be okay," he murmured in her ear.

"No, it's not. I killed a SHIELD agent," tears brimmed in her eyes, she blinked rapidly so they wouldn't spill.

Once he let go- he didn't want to, but he did- Briar washed her face with cold water.

"I was dreaming," she started her explanation. "And I walked inside a lab. HYDRA was labeled everywhere and there was a SHIELD agent- she was in her uniform. HYDRA had her tied up and I heard the name Jones repeatedly."

"Did she have an accent?" Sharon inquired.

"British," Briar nodded.

"Maisey," Sharon mumbled, and worry crossed her face. "SHIELD's looking for her."

"So, basically, I killed her," Briar didn't want to go into details. It was terrifying. Still is.

"You didn't kill her. It was HYDRA," Bucky told her for the tenth time.

"Then why was I smiling like an idiot?"

"You didn't know they were controlling you. Did you feel in your gut that you weren't supposed to be doing it?" Bucky prayed she would nod.

Briar nodded violently. "Yes!" she was surprised someone knew the feeling.

"Bree, I was controlled by them too," he informed her.

Briar paused and looked at his metal arm. "They did that?" she pointed at it.

"Well, they sort of fixed it," he grimaced.

brainwashed & controlled| bucky barnes [mcu fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now